FFF What a busy week it's been!


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria

Hello everyone and welcome to another FFF! Don't worry, I'm not the only Moderator doing this anymore, though as seems to be tradition, have a nice Saturday! It's been a very active week again so let's dive right into it!

Create an Emoji for Freedom! Revamped!
Remember the last time a contest was about creating emojis? That was a year ago... I feel old already.
Well last year's winners are still up on the Discord Server and the Forums today! Do you think you have what it takes to create an emoji? Go here and claim those prizes!


This week @JakeVegas reached three amazing Milestones, reaching from 300,000+ Watch Time Minutes in 28 days! over 600,000+ Total Video Views. to an amazing 11,000 views in 48 hours!!

Wow, has this been a week packed full of Discussions again.

Let's start off with @Indurok who is debating whether or not to move to Twitch for Livestreaming here, what do you think?

Also @RyanSellers had a lot of videos cleared off his channel by YouTube because they were cracking down on concert recordings. He's following the amazing "Never give up" mentality though and will continue creating awesome content nevertheless! Read more here!

YouTube is suspending more Music Channels!
YouTube is now suspending a lot of Music channels for Duplication, see the video to find out how you can avoid this and if you might be at risk!

We're 90% of the way there!

Since February 2014 Freedom! Forum Members have put in time and effort to count to 10,000 in the thread "Let's count to 10,000!". Well just yesterday we were able to get to 9000, so we just have 1000 to go until we reach a goal people have been working on for more than 4 years!

So that's it for another week, which do you think was the most deserving of our mentions? We are also looking to showcase the very best of your contributions to the forums, so if you have a tip, resource, service, milestone or introduction thread that you think should be showcased then please don't hesitate to get in touch!