Brave Fencer Musashi [10] | Late-Night Porkchop Craving

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:33 PM
Posted by Fluffy
In this video, we:

+ Cut to Twinpeak Mountain. Turns out Hotello just didn't have the energy to make it to the top. We make our way to the mountaintop in his place, to get the Aqualin ourselves.
+ Return to Hotello - we let him have the easy task of taking it back to town himself.
+ Return to town - seems Tim is all better, already. And still a giant twerpy brat. Ah well, we suck it up, and in turn...
+ Go to the grocer, and we are rewarded with an orange! Also, the grocer will sell us oranges from now on. They have lousy healing/restorative stats, but they have a purpose, which we will see, later...
+ Visit Knight Brisket to learn another technique.
+ Visit the Pawn Shop - appraise and sell junk.
+ Take a nap outside the restaurant. Turns out a late-night goer wants to get in and get some...porkchops? Anyway, turns out he can't get in - and some of the restaurant's other staff and visitors are at the Hotel. We go to pay them a visit...
+ Turns out the restaurant is where the vambees are coming from! And there's a trapdoor behind the bar...
+ Wait outside the restaurant - at midnight, vambees will start coming out. When one does, go into the restaurant while the door is open.
+ Discover a...temple in the basement of the restaurant? What the heck? And it turns out the restaurant owner is down here...
+ Begin to explore the first (of four) initial chambers in the temple. At the end of each is a crystal we have to break. Doing so in all four chambers will open the door to (insert spoiler here). You'll just have to watch and see. :p
+ Find and free Librarian Brisketta and Soldier Hanky-Flanky within the first chamber.
+ *Sigh*...platforming...-.-

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