Official How these forums help you grow!

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Mythic User
Hello brand new Freedom member, welcome to our forums!

These forums are a great place to help your YouTube channel grow and a very important tool offered by freedom to assist you with growing on Youtube.

To prevent this forum being flushed with advertisement though we have set some rules to make sure everyone has a nice time and doesnt get unwanted advertisement. To read these rules click the following link:

Now, I hear you ask, "But if i cant advertise, how does this help me grow?"
The answer is simple. The best way to grow on YouTube is not to place your channel link everywhere, but instead to create contacts with other YouTube channels. The forums are full of potential friends and colleague's with plenty of knowledge about YouTube. This forum is the ideal place to get in contact with other YouTubers who have the same goal as you, which is to grow. We have a special section in our forums where you can request collaboration with other YouTubers. This way you can expose your channel to a different audience and get more long term viewers this way. Click this link to read more about collaboration and start networking:

n addition to this the forums are the perfect place to get any questions regarding youtube you have answered. We have a large community and team who are all happy to answer all your YouTube related questions. These questions can range from very basic ones as "How to upload in 720p" to more specific ones as "How can i target a specific audience". Feel free to ask any questions you have in our support section here:

This is not all, due to the large amount of users this forum has we have acces to a huge amount of information and tips how to grow your channel in a more efficient way. If you are wondering what some solid basics are for youtube or if you are looking for some more advanced tips offered by experiened youtubers this section might just be the place for you:
If you feel you have something imporatant to add feel free to post a thread yourself. Please not this section will be heavily moderated by our forum team so make sure the information you post there is 100% correct.

Another nice tool is the community review section! This is a section purely for our partners where you can request a review regarding your channel. Other partners will then look at your channel and give you an honest review with some tops and tips!
Please keep in mind that this is not a place to advertise your channel, read the section rules before posting there please!

Last but definatly not the least is our chatroom. In the chatroom there are always plenty of people online who are happy to talk about YouTube, collaboration, tips and other general chit chat. This is a great way to expand your contact pool and it really pays off if you invest seriously in it. Please read the chatrules before commenting there, we still dont allow advertisement in the chatroom.

See the forums as a tool, the more you use it the more possibilities to grow you get! Be active and its a certain way to get your channel out there! Keep in mind that the other people here are looking for subscribers too and probably are too busy with their own channel to subscribe to yours but their audiance might be very interested in your channel and vice versa!
Good luck lurking and i hope to see you guys around!

Post originally created by Freedom! forum moderator @Pskovanion

Last Reviewed: March 9th, 2016
Last edited:

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
It should really be emphasized to the new members of the forum. We are your friends and colleagues, not your audience.
We are here to help with knowledge and information that you can use to your advantage, but we won't view your content for the purpose of giving you views, likes, comments, or subscriptions. We will view your content to better understand what you do and how to improve on it, but that doesn't make us your audience.


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
It should really be emphasized to the new members of the forum. We are your friends and colleagues, not your audience.
We are here to help with knowledge and information that you can use to your advantage, but we won't view your content for the purpose of giving you views, likes, comments, or subscriptions. We will view your content to better understand what you do and how to improve on it, but that doesn't make us your audience.
Now this is a comment i agree with 100%.
Seeing your posts you bring up alot of pointers many should memorize.


Rising User
Mar 23, 2016
Hey guys i'm new to this forums i have a youtube channel named Candle Channel and i want it to grow as soon as possible. i'm having this channel for like 7-8 months but i never had a single subscriber. all my 16 subs are free subs i got from trial of those subs buying sites which is horrible. though i can't even find my channel on youtube searches but it would be great if someone will help me grow on youtube
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