Network Some ideas for the Network!


Freedom! Member

Okay, So i got a few ideas for Freedom! to look at and hopefully improve some things within the community and overall network so sit back relax and listen to me overwise ill be very angry and ill write a letter telling you how angry i am! :mad:

  • Ditch MGN's forums and discord - It is not really needed!
Okay, so let's face it MGN's forums is basically always been pretty bad (Use to moderate the forum) its got worst since i left the team the forum over there from what i seen is the site being botted to all hell making posts besides we have the forum section here on the Freedom! Forums so why keep the community split when all efforts can just be done on the main website?

The MGN discord server isn't much better either it keeps the community split it can easily be merged into Freedom! main discord server as you can easily create a category (some problem solving for the forums) for all MGN relations and other divisions of Freedom!

  • Ease of Access to the Freedom! Community Forums! And UPDATE IT! - Might increase activity!
So i'm very savvy when it comes to XenForo which i can tell that the forums haven't been updated in sometime an that isn't good for the security of the community and i have a feeling that the forums haven't been updated since XenForo 1.5.8 (which is a May 24, 2016 release due to info from the MGN site) due to the version of the site. Keep inmind i do know you can't just update the site soon as a release is made for xenforo due to custom plugins being done but come on xD

Okay, let's get to the ease of access to the forums which will seem fluid and modern to other websites and may hell with increasing activity to the forums. I'm suggesting on making a Freedom! Community app for mobile devices which i can suggest a website for but the reason for this is cause we've been spoiled to hell by mobile applications and like a fluid and modern with ease of access to this experience.

The service which im suggesting is pretty cheap an runs very well for the Jaxel media and streams plugins with mobile designs with no extra effort but to install it! This will allow the forums to have both native iOS and Android experiences with push notifications and cheap as hell! :D

So yeah could suggest more but aye :p
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Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Thanks for the ideas!

  • Ditch MGN's forums and discord - It is not really needed!
Okay, so let's face it MGN's forums is basically always been pretty bad (Use to moderate the forum) its got worst since i left the team the forum over there from what i seen is the site being botted to all hell making posts besides we have the forum section here on the Freedom! Forums so why keep the community split when all efforts can just be done on the main website?

The MGN discord server isn't much better either it keeps the community split it can easily be merged into Freedom! main discord server as you can easily create a category (some problem solving for the forums) for all MGN relations and other divisions of Freedom!

As you might be able to tell by how well the MGN Forum is moderated these days it pretty much is a shell of its former glory. The Admins wanted to move it over to in November and give it a Forum Contest to kick start it but that Contest had to be paused and we're still working it out sadly. I honestly have no idea about the MGN Discord Server as of now.

  • Ease of Access to the Freedom! Community Forums! And UPDATE IT! - Might increase activity!
So i'm very savvy when it comes to XenForo which i can tell that the forums haven't been updated in sometime an that isn't good for the security of the community and i have a feeling that the forums haven't been updated since XenForo 1.5.8 (which is a May 24, 2016 release due to info from the MGN site) due to the version of the site. Keep inmind i do know you can't just update the site soon as a release is made for xenforo due to custom plugins being done but come on xD
Here's a fun little fact: A XenForo 2.0 Upgrade has been planned since February but one Plugin has been prolonging their XF 2.0 Release Date for almost a year so that didn't happen...

Okay, let's get to the ease of access to the forums which will seem fluid and modern to other websites and may hell with increasing activity to the forums. I'm suggesting on making a Freedom! Community app for mobile devices which i can suggest a website for but the reason for this is cause we've been spoiled to hell by mobile applications and like a fluid and modern with ease of access to this experience.

The service which im suggesting is pretty cheap an runs very well for the Jaxel media and streams plugins with mobile designs with no extra effort but to install it! This will allow the forums to have both native iOS and Android experiences with push notifications and cheap as hell! :D
Here's something nice for you: We have Tapatalk, which can do pretty much all that ForumApps shows on their website, also we have a beautifully written Guide for it here!

Let us know if you have any future suggestions, they're really helpful!


Freedom! Member
As you might be able to tell by how well the MGN Forum is moderated these days it pretty much is a shell of its former glory. The Admins wanted to move it over to in November and give it a Forum Contest to kick start it but that Contest had to be paused and we're still working it out sadly. I honestly have no idea about the MGN Discord Server as of now.

You ask me the admins that are in charge of MGN should get a kick up the butt to get things done, Now just shut down the forums over there and have the forums redirect to the Freedom! Forums here! :D

The discord is quite dead from what i seen......

Here's a fun little fact: A XenForo 2.0 Upgrade has been planned since February but one Plugin has been prolonging their XF 2.0 Release Date for almost a year so that didn't happen...

Sure the multisite plugin from hasn't been updated from XCentral since Dec 23, 2017 and at this point, it will never besides the community is missing a lot of modern features, security and stability of running such an old version of XenForo

Here's something nice for you: We have Tapatalk, which can do pretty much all that ForumApps shows on their website, also we have a beautifully written Guide for it here!

Let us know if you have any future suggestions, they're really helpful!

Tapatalk is a joke of an application/plugin here are the flaws

Too many steps / flaws - Just installed to look at it

- search / download tapa
- search freedom! forums
- create a tapa account (YOU HAVE TOO!)
- login / create a forums account

Limited access to the forums via tapa, you can allow read private messages and look at the forum list. While on ForumApps you just search for the app on the app stores and install and just login with ya forum account. You have access to the videos, streams, store and everything else on the app.

like i said tapa is a joke of an application and should be used for something like small gaming clans if i would ever recommend it to ever used
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