

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Sep 12, 2015
Great Falls, MT
I has now been 4 months since I started.. almost 2 months since I started streaming.. I am at my wits end and I am giving up... My subs have stayed at the same.. My follows have stayed at the same.. I think I have reach my limit of people who actually wanna support me. Thank you freedom for helping me try to live out my dream but without the support from the people who said theyd support me I cannot even begin to try and make a career out of streaming and youtube videos.. So u may see me around on the threads to talk to people.. Maybe even post a video every once in awhile.. But I am giving up on this dream. It's a dead end dream. Thanks freedom and freedom family!

TheeSmokeWildd xx

Rising User
Oct 21, 2015
I has now been 4 months since I started.. almost 2 months since I started streaming.. I am at my wits end and I am giving up... My subs have stayed at the same.. My follows have stayed at the same.. I think I have reach my limit of people who actually wanna support me. Thank you freedom for helping me try to live out my dream but without the support from the people who said theyd support me I cannot even begin to try and make a career out of streaming and youtube videos.. So u may see me around on the threads to talk to people.. Maybe even post a video every once in awhile.. But I am giving up on this dream. It's a dead end dream. Thanks freedom and freedom family!
I'm having the same problem Voltage...but you gotta to keep trying and they'll come around


Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
sorry to hear that voltage. don't give up though, just make youtubing and streaming as a hobby for now. there are tons of people doing the same thing. so chances getting known are very slim.

Tom Klin

Respected User
Jun 25, 2014
yeah i know that feeling:(
i barely get any views on my newest videos and it just aint worth it anymore...


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Sep 12, 2015
Great Falls, MT
It's just because there are already so many really popular people doing so many different games it's hard to find that game that someone big hasn't already done and has a million views... or even a thousand... Makes it hard for smaller channels to do anything.


New User
Nov 18, 2015
As long as you keep working at it you'll never be at a dead end. Keep improving, try different things, asses where you might be going wrong. Quality content always has a way of surfacing, just keep working at it.

Stretch AdventureKS

That Skeleton!
Freedom! Member
Sep 4, 2014
Nothing worth having comes easy. These are difficult times, but it's not impossible. If anything, succeeding during such times will make you stronger than those who got the fame in a short time very easy, cause people always appreciate the hard work that a person has gone through than the success that they got. That is what makes a person so special, and that is trying.
Not everyone is gonna succeed, but at least think about what you have done thus far. Did you make someone happy with your videos? Did you enjoy the experience of making videos and enjoying the games that you did on your channel? If you did, than there is no reason to just give up on making videos for your pleasure, as a hobby, as something that you truly like and which made you start doing youtube in the first place.

Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
If you want to make something happen then quitting is the last thing you want to do. The only thing that that you guarantee by quitting is that you'll never be able to make something out of this.

Nothing ever comes easy but you should never admit defeat either.
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Active Member
Jul 14, 2015
Youtube is a marathon. Not a sprint. Don't jump into youtube to make it your job, Jump into it to make it your passion and what makes you smile at night when you go to bed.[DOUBLEPOST=1448160638][/DOUBLEPOST]To further add, I'm almost at a thousand subscribers and i've been doing youtube for less than like 3 months, You very well can do youtube as a gamer hell i'm a example of that.
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Robin “Williams” Muscato

My Youtube Channel
Freedom! Member
May 31, 2015
i know people on youtube been on for 8 yr and make very little and some who been on 1yr who make alot. just dont give up. just think as a hobby :) you will do well...


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Sep 12, 2015
Great Falls, MT
Youtube is a marathon. Not a sprint. Don't jump into youtube to make it your job, Jump into it to make it your passion and what makes you smile at night when you go to bed.[DOUBLEPOST=1448160638][/DOUBLEPOST]To further add, I'm almost at a thousand subscribers and i've been doing youtube for less than like 3 months, You very well can do youtube as a gamer hell i'm a example of that.
Grats but that just verifies that the reason I'm not getting the subs and viewers is cuz of one of two reason.. 1. because my family and friends didn't support me at all they just looked the other way.. or 2. I'm really boring and no one wants to watch my videos. :p

Congrats of ur success.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Oct 9, 2014
It's just because there are already so many really popular people doing so many different games it's hard to find that game that someone big hasn't already done and has a million views... or even a thousand... Makes it hard for smaller channels to do anything.
I know how you feel. Ive been in ur situation before. But with that kind mind stuck in your head, itll never improve. Look there are BILLIONS of ideas but u just gotta think outside the box. Just sit down get a piece of paper and brainstorm all kinds of ideas. that will help alot. when i did that my channel exploded with 200k views in 1 month!! ^^ but now i quit my channel due to some stuff. But i know you can be that person that special person that can bring lots of audience to your channel. I advise you not to give up. That why most youtubers fail. Dont be that person ^^ #NEVERGIVEUP EY? XD

Robin “Williams” Muscato

My Youtube Channel
Freedom! Member
May 31, 2015
Grats but that just verifies that the reason I'm not getting the subs and viewers is cuz of one of two reason.. 1. because my family and friends didn't support me at all they just looked the other way.. or 2. I'm really boring and no one wants to watch my videos. :p

Congrats of ur success.
it ok. my family all look other way. i only do it just to have fun now day. it cool i get pay to be someone but at same time i just feel good about share to the world. i no robin williams, but i try to be like him without the problem that he have.
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Anime Let's Player
Freedom! Member
Sep 25, 2015
This is the point where you need to make something different.
Most YouTubers are gamers. But they all make just the same contents as the Famous ones like Pewd,Cry or Marki.
Remember that YouTube is a the hardest job and has a great risk. But as the creators, we need to dig deep to the Creativity Well to create something different.

Sure people wont notice YET! But 60000000 people watch youtube, atleast 1 view is something.
All I can say is don't give up. Give atleast a year or 2 doing youtube. If you don't get 10% increase then its time to move on or do something else.

Robin “Williams” Muscato

My Youtube Channel
Freedom! Member
May 31, 2015
This is the point where you need to make something different.
Most YouTubers are gamers. But they all make just the same contents as the Famous ones like Pewd,Cry or Marki.
Remember that YouTube is a the hardest job and has a great risk. But as the creators, we need to dig deep to the Creativity Well to create something different.

Sure people wont notice YET! But 60000000 people watch youtube, atleast 1 view is something.
All I can say is don't give up. Give atleast a year or 2 doing youtube. If you don't get 10% increase then its time to move on or do something else.
i agree with her. i didnt get more view not trying. i got more view trying. more video i put out. more people find me. anyone who have 100 video or less is unlikely to be seen by anyone. but if your like me with 700 video. someone always find you. my point is. more video you have on youtube. more likely people going find you with or without ads support!


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Sep 12, 2015
Great Falls, MT
Guys.. Thank you.. Yes. I am ready to just give up.. I really am, but after everything all of u have said.. I think I will keep trying.. I'm gunna take a break from it all because I feel I need a break. But I will be back.. Soonish.. So thank you.. eveyrone.. For your words of encouragement.. I would give every single one of u a hug if I could


Anime Let's Player
Freedom! Member
Sep 25, 2015
Guys.. Thank you.. Yes. I am ready to just give up.. I really am, but after everything all of u have said.. I think I will keep trying.. I'm gunna take a break from it all because I feel I need a break. But I will be back.. Soonish.. So thank you.. eveyrone.. For your words of encouragement.. I would give every single one of u a hug if I could

As long as you can create, there is always room for something special.
Our Minds, creativity and talent are endless and those things keeps on improving and improving.
Tell you what, just take a break then list the things you should WANT do to make a great content :)

Watch stuff, watch shows or watch things. The possibilities are endless.