Offering Reviews for Freedom!


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Aug 24, 2016
can you please review my channel. and tell me what i need to improve on. big thanks for you for doing this man


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
can you please review my channel. and tell me what i need to improve on. big thanks for you for doing this man
No problem!
While it's hard for me to really judge your channel at this point and with 5 videos, I'll have a look through your channel and tear it apart.
  • Channel page and Art
    Your channel art looks really good and you have some nice branding. Though looking at your channel page, it doesn't do any marketing at all. Think of this channel page as a storefront where you sell your product to your viewers. You'll want to show them what you have and what you offer. Put some playlists in there, MAKE A CHANNEL TRAILER(!!!). While you don't have much content yet, make the most of it. Have a look at my channel to see the playlists in action (bear in mind that I don't have much content atm either):
  • Playlists
    Make some more playlists for every series you do. GTA V, Destiny, ...
  • Tags
    Your tags are not the best. When I look into them with vidIQ, I see you don't rank on them, meaning noone will find you in the search. Where you rank is really important with tags. I recommend you use more rare tags that people will actually look for. Learn how to rank tags and how to properly set them in these 2 videos:
  • About page and Links
    To wrap this up, fill your About page with an upload schedule and some more information about yourself. Your channel links are great, but I'd recommend you remove the Freedom one or at least place your Freedom! reflink there.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Aug 24, 2016
No problem!
While it's hard for me to really judge your channel at this point and with 5 videos, I'll have a look through your channel and tear it apart.
  • Channel page and Art
    Your channel art looks really good and you have some nice branding. Though looking at your channel page, it doesn't do any marketing at all. Think of this channel page as a storefront where you sell your product to your viewers. You'll want to show them what you have and what you offer. Put some playlists in there, MAKE A CHANNEL TRAILER(!!!). While you don't have much content yet, make the most of it. Have a look at my channel to see the playlists in action (bear in mind that I don't have much content atm either):
  • Playlists
    Make some more playlists for every series you do. GTA V, Destiny, ...
  • Tags
    Your tags are not the best. When I look into them with vidIQ, I see you don't rank on them, meaning noone will find you in the search. Where you rank is really important with tags. I recommend you use more rare tags that people will actually look for. Learn how to rank tags and how to properly set them in these 2 videos:
  • About page and Links
    To wrap this up, fill your About page with an upload schedule and some more information about yourself. Your channel links are great, but I'd recommend you remove the Freedom one or at least place your Freedom! reflink there.
man that was awesome i really don't know how to thank you man. you helped me out a lot

BluEdge Chekpoint

Respected User
Freedom! Member
  • Trailer
    Really good channel trailer. Really caught my attention. Though it didn't really say what you guys were ultimately uploading.
  • Titles and Thumbnails
    The thumbnails are different every time. That's good. They only lack one thing from making them perfect though: BRANDING. Put your logo in some corner (except the bottom right one) on every thumbnail and it'll help people find your videos. See this video to know how to use it:
    (skip to 33s to get into the action)
  • Playlists
    Clean the playlists up a bit and make more variety in them. Make a cards against humanity one, make an Overwatch one, just MAKE MORE PLAYLISTS. Also, the current ones you have are partially a disaster of private and deleted videos. Please.
  • About section
    Fill it up! There's nothing about you guys in there!
  • Videos
    You have an intro, that's kinda nice, but 15 SECONDS? That's way too long tbh, though the rest of the videos are high quality, some may be quite long.

    I'm only going through the description of your latest video here:
    Players: Raphael, Jamiel, Andre, Darrin
    If you laughed and enjoyed the video, give us a thumbs up. And don't forget to comment and push that subscribe button.

    You guys have an awesome day \(*^*)/


    Waysons - Eternal Minds:

    DEAF KEV - Invincible:
    -Put the music part at the bottom-
    Our Website:

    Follow Us On:
    Instagram: bluedge_chekpoint

    Download Our Apps:

    Ball to the Walls -
    iOS (coming soon)

    Who Am I -

Thanks for the review. We are dimming down the videos to about 15-30 minutes for our regular and sometimes special occasions might be a bit longer. But we are staying in that range though mostly 15-20mins. Definitely will start branding our thumb nails good call never really thought of that. Make it easy to spot us in a way. We definitely need to do our about me. The intro I know it's long and we will fix it in the later future. Definitely will make a few changes with the playlist and make it organized. Thanks man!!


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria

I would like to have a review of my channel, I would greatly appreciate it :)
Your channel has a couple of small flaws...
  • Thumbnails: Your thumbnails look great and everything, even with branding, but why is the branding corner the bottom right hand corner? There's always something in that corner from YouTube, video length or the watch later thing. I recommend you move the branding into one of the other 3 corners, whatever looks best. Also, use different images for the thumbnails every time and make variation.
  • Playlists: Jesus Hallelujah. A channel that uses playlists for all of its series. Thanks.
  • About page: It has text! Mom get the camera! But seriously, the about page looks great, but tell us a bit about you as a person and talk less about the channel itself.
  • Links: On point.
  • Channel page: MAKE. A. CHANNEL. TRAILER. Trust me, make one. Your channel will look even better and more professional then. As of the design and arrangement, you have a ton of series and videos. Though your channel page looks a bit like the page that's designed for smaller channels with less videos to make the most out of their small amount of videos. I recommend you make a channel trailer and below that you put your uploads in a horizontal column. Then put 3 series you think best represent your channel's target audience and put them down there as well. Below that I wouldn't put anything else.
I hope this has helped you.
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Reactions: SannuG


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 23, 2016
Your channel has a couple of small flaws...
  • Thumbnails: Your thumbnails look great and everything, even with branding, but why is the branding corner the bottom right hand corner? There's always something in that corner from YouTube, video length or the watch later thing. I recommend you move the branding into one of the other 3 corners, whatever looks best. Also, use different images for the thumbnails every time and make variation.
  • Playlists: Jesus Hallelujah. A channel that uses playlists for all of its series. Thanks.
  • About page: It has text! Mom get the camera! But seriously, the about page looks great, but tell us a bit about you as a person and talk less about the channel itself.
  • Links: On point.
  • Channel page: MAKE. A. CHANNEL. TRAILER. Trust me, make one. Your channel will look even better and more professional then. As of the design and arrangement, you have a ton of series and videos. Though your channel page looks a bit like the page that's designed for smaller channels with less videos to make the most out of their small amount of videos. I recommend you make a channel trailer and below that you put your uploads in a horizontal column. Then put 3 series you think best represent your channel's target audience and put them down there as well. Below that I wouldn't put anything else.
I hope this has helped you.


Small amount of flaws, well to be realistic then I didn't expect anything of alike..

  • Thumbnails, I don't know why the number of the part is right bottom corner, I need to fix it ASAP, and I need to somehow find a way to make those things better which are behind of the part number, because I want to edit it a little bit more, so it would have only one of those white boxes in there not 2.. The variation part comes from a popular channel (SSoHPKC), I kinda of duplicate his thumbnails, or try to use similar method, he is are drawn, mines aren't and he uses same images for thumbnail, I do this because its already premade and I'm too lazy to add different image and make a variation, yeah sounds bit cocky from me, but I'm also lazy.
  • Playlist, thank you man, I've always used a playlists for the series I do..
  • About page, I will sure edit it further and better, so it can draw more attention.
  • Links, thank you ^_^.
  • Channel page, well I will try to make a best channel trailer as possible, it will take me couple of months since I'm really busy when it comes to videos. I will try to find an editor who can make a perfect one for my channel..

Thanks, they were helpful, and I'm happy to know that there were 2 (3 if we count in the about page).. I'm trying to think of a nickname for my YouTube.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
I see you haven't made as much content yet. As with a ton of other people I've reviewed in the past, I'll orientate your channel review on making the most out of the stuff you have.
  • Channel page: MAKE. A. CHANNEL. TRAILER. Currently you only use your latest video as a channel trailer. Make a separate one showing best clips from your channel and giving people a good reason to subscribe to you. After making that trailer, put some playlists below it, some as a vertical list, some as a horizontal one.
  • Thumbnails: They look good and are easy to find again.
  • Playlists: You have playlists for everything you do, maybe they are a bit too strict sometimes, as most of them have only 2 or 3 videos in there. You should also make a couple of other series for SEO. And then put the playlists on your channel page.
  • Tags: Make more tags, use a tool like vidIQ to find out good tags for your video.
  • About page: I go into this one a lot and I'll help you make yours better:
    I am JJ Krispy and I post gaming videos on cars. I want to post the most epic videos I can make. If you want to record with me or be in one of my videos then message me on Xbox One (gamertag below). I also have a twitter so follow me there and SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date with my videos. Thanks
    Twitter - @JJ_Krispy ( )
    Xbox One Gamertag - Ja Krispy Kreme
    I am JJ Krispy and I post gaming videos on cars. I want to post the most epic videos I can make. If you want to record with me or be in one of my videos then message me on Xbox One. Follow my Twitter and SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date with my videos. Thanks
    Insert upload schedule here
    Get some more social media going on
    Twitter - @JJ_Krispy ( )
    Xbox One Gamertag - Ja Krispy Kreme
  • Links: Get some more links than just your Twitter.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hi, I would love a channel review. I will start to offer this myself once I know how you guys do it.

Many thanks
(Disclaimer: These reviews are honest and I'll express what I think you should improve on. If I stomp a channel to the ground don't take it as a personal attack. I'll tell you what you should do and hope you take it into consideration. It's for your own growth.)
So, this might turn into me ranting and stomping on your channel. As said above, it's not a personal attack. I'm not Leafy.
  • Channel trailer/Intro thing
    PLEASE. Make a proper channel trailer or leave that thing out. It just maks people cringe and leave your channel.
  • Thumbnails
    Put a bit more work into them.
  • The intro
    DUDE YOU ARE WASTING 16s OF PEOPLE'S TIME, IF YOU DON'T IMPRESS YOUR AUDIENCE IN THE FIRST 10S THEY WILL LEAVE (also, you jumping around with music is not considered interesting).
  • Videos
    Try cutting out or timelapsing some parts of your videos. Most I've seen is you placing tons of blocks in, which isn't realls interesting either...
  • Series
    You need to make more series than just Factions placing blocks. Your channel won't go anywhere without different series.
  • About Section
    You will need at least these things in an about section:
    -Upload schedule
    -Some Information about yourself
    What you have right now is an unorganized mess of adverts and random links. You know where to put links?
I really hope you try working on your channel a bit more.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 19, 2016
(Disclaimer: These reviews are honest and I'll express what I think you should improve on. If I stomp a channel to the ground don't take it as a personal attack. I'll tell you what you should do and hope you take it into consideration. It's for your own growth.)
So, this might turn into me ranting and stomping on your channel. As said above, it's not a personal attack. I'm not Leafy.
  • Channel trailer/Intro thing
    PLEASE. Make a proper channel trailer or leave that thing out. It just maks people cringe and leave your channel.
  • Thumbnails
    Put a bit more work into them.
  • The intro
    DUDE YOU ARE WASTING 16s OF PEOPLE'S TIME, IF YOU DON'T IMPRESS YOUR AUDIENCE IN THE FIRST 10S THEY WILL LEAVE (also, you jumping around with music is not considered interesting).
  • Videos
    Try cutting out or timelapsing some parts of your videos. Most I've seen is you placing tons of blocks in, which isn't realls interesting either...
  • Series
    You need to make more series than just Factions placing blocks. Your channel won't go anywhere without different series.
  • About Section
    You will need at least these things in an about section:
    -Upload schedule
    -Some Information about yourself
    What you have right now is an unorganized mess of adverts and random links. You know where to put links?
I really hope you try working on your channel a bit more.

Haha, well that was honest. Don't worry I am an adult and actually appreciate your feedback which is why I was asking for it. I am actually going to save this feedback, keep it as a reminder and work through it. Would you be happy to review it again when I feel like I have made progress?

Many thanks



Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Haha, well that was honest. Don't worry I am an adult and actually appreciate your feedback which is why I was asking for it. I am actually going to save this feedback, keep it as a reminder and work through it. Would you be happy to review it again when I feel like I have made progress?

Many thanks

I wouldn't have a problem reviewing it again, no.


Dutch Moderator
Freedom! Member
Jan 5, 2014
The Netherlands
Big thanks to @LW001 for doing this. Ive watched this thread and im really liking the quality reviews you are giving to other partners! The YT industry is usually a 1-way street (give me, give me, give me) so its very nice to see when someone is actually giving something back to the community.

Keep up the good work man! If you ever need help with something feel free to message me.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Big thanks to @LW001 for doing this. Ive watched this thread and im really liking the quality reviews you are giving to other partners! The YT industry is usually a 1-way street (give me, give me, give me) so its very nice to see when someone is actually giving something back to the community.

Keep up the good work man! If you ever need help with something feel free to message me.
Thanks for the nice message! :)
I've been having a ton of knowledge about YouTube for a while and thought I'd just offer some reviews to people. At first I thought of making a series on my channel about it, but the thread took off with tons of people wanting a review, so I started typing them out. Funny enough, having done these reviews for a bit has actually helped me doing reviews and knowing how to do them a lot. Thanks to everyone having asked for a review up until now and everyone feel free to get one.
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Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hey! Would actually like a review for my channel
You know how my first part will turn out.
  • Main channel page: MAKE. A. CHANNEL. TRAILER. kthx. But seriously, get a proper channel trailer to show people why they should subscribe to you. Your channel art looks nice, as with your thumbnails. Though your channel page's look can be way better. Firstly, your Uploads and recent activity are the same playlist. Get rid of the recent activity playlist and add a fifa playlist or anything in vertical arrangement. This is to make the small amount of content you have look better.
  • Videos: Get rid of the tags you have in your descriptions. YouTube has actually terminated successful channels because of that already. Also, there's video tags which are the place to put it as the description rarely helps your SEO.
  • Playlists: Make playlists please. Make a Tutorials one, a FIFA one, a paladins one, you name it. Then put them onto your channel page.
  • About page: Add some information about yourself, add an upload schedule and some more information.
  • Links: Why the °°°° do you link your YouTube channel on... YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL?+!?!?!?!? What's that for? Add some social media, Twitter, Facebook, anything, but why your channel?
That's pretty much all I can say at this point. Try customizing your channel a bit more.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
I would love a review for my channel! I am open to any tips!
May I get a channel with a channel trailer at some point please?
  • Main channel page: MAKE A CHANNEL TRAILER. Then take it and put it on your channel page. What are you waiting for. Then put your playlists below it. You actually showcase more of other people's playlists than your own ones. Come on, it's still your channel.
  • Thumbnails: Your thumbnails are so weird. Some of them are just perfect (Rocket league) and then there occasionally are random ones that sometimes aren't even in a correct size for YouTube and have black bars (h1z1 map)
  • You have playlists for all of your series. Great. NOW PUT THAT ON YOUR CHANNEL PAGE YOU...
  • About Section: Angels have come down from heaven. There's actually proper information there! :) Maybe donate a paragraph now and then to not make it a that huge pile of text.
  • Links: Do you have anything else than twitter? Put that there.
I'm actually lacking more stuff I could tell you about. Good Luck on growing your channel and audience!