
Hello everyone! My name is "7BitBrian" I am a YouTube Gaming content creator and all around Geek! Also; I know everything, just not all at once. ;)

I’ve had a love of gaming and geek culture, and the stories within them, since I was a child growing up reading comic books and playing tabletop and NES games. As I grew older my love of exploring imaginary worlds and stories only grew.

The videos I produce are story focused let's plays, lore guides, mysteries, secrets, theory crafting, and world building. All for a variety of mediums including video games and table top games like Dungeons and Dragons. When it comes to a game; many will say that the game play is key, and if you have that, then the story doesn't really matter. But for me it's the other way around; I love a good story. I need a good story.

My goal is to create a great community with quality content that anyone can come and feel welcome to!