Recent content by Alpha Records

  1. Alpha Records

    What are your goals for You-Tube in 2016?

    As a growing channel we would love to hit 100,000 subscribers by next year
  2. Alpha Records

    Looking for new artists!

    Hi, Alpha Records here looking for new artists hoping to get their music out. Post your sound cloud or YouTube etc links down below and we will review all. Will message you if you pass our requirements. Thanks guys
  3. Alpha Records

    Solved No invite received

    yes it can take up to 48 hours, and to become an official partner can take even longer, been waiting almost a week for mine to be fully linked.
  4. Alpha Records

    Camera help

    it is definitely your render settings, I believe what do you use to render?
  5. Alpha Records

    Tech New, just like everyone else! And hello ;-)

    Enjoy your stay hope everything is working out for you
  6. Alpha Records

    XBox XBOX ONE Rainbow Six Siege casual multiplayer

    just add me bbomber246
  7. Alpha Records

    YouTube Views Milestone 1.9k views :)

    congratz mate! Love to see the growth in this community
  8. Alpha Records

    XBox XBOX ONE Rainbow Six Siege casual multiplayer

    You got anything on pc, I play a lot of csgo
  9. Alpha Records

    Solved Still Not linked?

    Thank you for the reassurance
  10. Alpha Records

    Solved Am i partnered?

    I have not been linked yet its been 5 days now
  11. Alpha Records

    Solved Still Not linked?

    Okay so we have applied for the paragon freedom partnership, and have received the notification from the YouTube dashboard, now a day later i see that on my freedom dashboard it still says that "one or more of your channel are not linked" I check my profile on freedom and says linked "No" So I...