Recent content by Brickhouse91

  1. Brickhouse91

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    Another weekly update with everything going on in my life and what's to come! :D
  2. Brickhouse91

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    Another BrickBlog, with some upcoming ideas/videos, what I did this weekend, and some really awesome dude who has started to inspire me/keep me going with this whole youtube thing. Spread it around folks! :D
  3. Brickhouse91

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    A sort, don't have a webcam yet, but its a video with lots of stuff going on in it! Hope people have a chance to take a look, its a good way to get to know me! :D
  4. Brickhouse91

    What are you listening to?

    Right now I'm listening to some persona soundtracks but I'm actually giving Linkin Park's newest album a chance.