Recent content by CronoSnow

  1. CronoSnow

    What are some good scary games I can stream?

    I would suggest Cry Of Fear, Outlast, Welcome To The Game, Amnesia and the horror games mentioned by AFKPlays
  2. CronoSnow


    1. Game Of Thrones 2. Sherlock 3. The Big Bang Theory
  3. CronoSnow

    How many subscriber do you have?

    I have 18 for now and I expect that I will have 20 by the end of 2016
  4. CronoSnow

    What type of books do you guys read?

    I read a lot of fantasy books, classical books and books made by John Green
  5. CronoSnow

    What is your least favorite part about making videos?

    The worst is when you're done recording and then you realized that something in your video is not working like missing audio or the voice that is recorded is awful. Happened to me about five times now.
  6. CronoSnow

    Review4Review Review my Channel and memes and I'll do yours

    Hey! Your channel is awesome. The commentary is great, thumbnails are well made. I would suggest having a channel trailer so others would know what content you make and also adding playlists to your home page. Overall, your channel is great and entertaining so I subbed. Keep up the good work.
  7. CronoSnow

    Any Games You're Recording?

    Just recorded my "Sally Face" video, its an indie game that I just found yesterday
  8. CronoSnow

    Fun and Games Type your username with your Eyes closed!

    CronoSmow Close enough
  9. CronoSnow

    Gaming Hello. I'm new here

    Hello! My name is CronoSnow or Crono for short. I'm from the Philippines I found Freedom! when I ran into a video called "Top 5 Youtube Networks For Small Youtubers" during the time when I didn't knew what a Youtube Network was. I decided to join the forums 4 weeks after I joined Freedom! after...