Recent content by GarbageGamer

  1. GarbageGamer

    What Game Got You Into Gaming?

    I'm going to be dating myself here, but what the hell, I'm an old ass so here we go. It wasn't the Nintendo Entertainment System or even Sega, no my first glimpse into gaming was when my family bought an Atari 2600. I can remember being amazed and enthralled with games like Pitfall, River Raid...
  2. GarbageGamer

    Community Hi

    Hi! Of course that gets my vote. Always enthusiastic to meet others in the YT community.
  3. GarbageGamer

    Gaming Hello everyone!

    Thanks guys, I appreciate it and I wish the same for you as well.
  4. GarbageGamer

    Gaming Hello everyone!

    Garbage Gamer here to introduce myself to everyone. I'm new to Freedom and just kind of checking everything out. I should also mention that I am quite new to Youtube/Twitch as well. I'd been a long time fan of gaming videos on a lot of channels and a long time gamer myself dating as far back as...