Recent content by Iced Over

  1. Iced Over

    YouTube Views Milestone 1,000 views!

    1000 minutes, 1000 views! Looks like I found the 37 most faithful people on the planet!
  2. Iced Over

    Gaming New to Freedom and YouTube

    Welcome :)
  3. Iced Over

    Music Iced Over Music

    Hey thanks man!
  4. Iced Over

    Who make music besides me?

    Good! :)
  5. Iced Over

    Gaming IM BACK?!

  6. Iced Over

    What's an average, expected subscriber growth for someone who is working on growing their channel?

    Hello, my channel is around 12 days old today and I have 37 subscribers. How does this compare to the average channel's expected subscriber growth rate? Is my channel doing well? Is my channel not reaching its maximum potential in terms of growth? Let me know! Thanks!
  7. Iced Over

    Music Would anyone be interested in using my music for their videos/outros?

    Hello! The sort of music I edit is very at par with what the gaming community likes to listen to. So if you have a gaming channel, my music would be a perfect way to spice up your videos/outros! I would love to collaberate with you! Here's an example of the stuff I edit: If you're interested...
  8. Iced Over

    Gaming Hello everyone!

    I'm new too! Welcome!
  9. Iced Over

    Who make music besides me?

    I edit music! Does that count?
  10. Iced Over

    Music channels

    I do edits to popular electronic songs! They're pretty dope/10.
  11. Iced Over

    What are you listening to?

    The Weeknd!
  12. Iced Over

    Watch Time Milestone 1,000 minutes. :)

    That's about how many minutes I'm awake each day. Pretty sweet! :)
  13. Iced Over

    Tips & Tricks I need help growing my channel

    Promote, promote, promote. Don't expect people will come just because you made a video. Assume no one know who you are.
  14. Iced Over

    Music Iced Over Music

    Hello! I run a channel on YouTube dedicated to making the best edits to the best electronic songs! I joined this forum to share my stuff, make friends, and see if anyone would like to collaborate with me some day!