Recent content by KingJeffo

  1. KingJeffo

    VLOG Welcome To My Channel!

    Hey man welcome to the freedom forum. Good luck on your journey of content uploading on YT. You can do it mate (y) (Y)
  2. KingJeffo

    Request Review The King's Channel

    Thanks for your input man! What you said definitely make sense and your opinion is what I really needed. So I'll keep that in mind man :D
  3. KingJeffo

    Request Review The King's Channel

    Thanks man and I'll try. Since I'm not that good with photoshop guess I'll start learning now :3
  4. KingJeffo

    Request Review The King's Channel

    Cheers mate will keep that in mind. As for my background noise will fix it before I render it :P
  5. KingJeffo

    Review4Review Looking for feedback on my new channel!

    Hey dude it's cool to see that there is a Vape related channel on freedom! Also the content is good everything is on point. Also you should do some rda's, rta reviews if you can though. Cause people be looking up on that stuff all the time!
  6. KingJeffo

    Request Review The King's Channel

    Hi guys Jeff here, I'm looking for feedback for my channel. Feedbacks on the trailer, channel itself and the video. Also I would thank you lads for spending the time on reviewing and checking out my channel! Cheers mate
  7. KingJeffo

    Gaming Hi ^^ I'm a new youtuber and I want to get more information about Freedom! Network

    Welcome to the forum pro info. The condition to join freedom is not as restrictive as other networks but there is something that you need to know. Freedom will take a split on all revenue of your videos. The split is 60/40. For me I'm not as worried about the split because they do use their...
  8. KingJeffo

    Service Free Hosting!

    Wow that's awesome that your offering free hosting for all Freedom Partners. Cheers mate. Btw is the domain registration also free?
  9. KingJeffo

    What do you think about Day 1 patch for games?

    Haha yeah man I got no idea how did they made such good games back in the days. Ohh well hope it gets better Same man it just scares me to get a game and have it not working properly on day 1
  10. KingJeffo

    What do you think about Day 1 patch for games?

    So true dude I got no idea why are they not fixing the game before the release. Like come on game used to not have major bugs back in the PS2/Xbox days! Yup I gotta agree with you man it's a huge slap in the face! So true!
  11. KingJeffo


    Welcome to the community mate. Also like Goped Fred said keep working hard and keep your passion while making your videos. And soon enough you'll reach 1k subs. Only thing is to be patience cause fame don't just come overnight my friend. So keep working hard and keep making people laugh :)
  12. KingJeffo

    Subscriber Milestone OMG 100 subs!!

    Congratulations dude! Keep up the good content and work as hard as you can while keeping the passion you have right now :)
  13. KingJeffo

    Gaming I dont know what to do anymore.......

    Bro it's like that during your early time with youtube. Don't worry views will pick up. Also great job on your channel art and thumbnail. It will definitely pull in viewers. So don't worry too much, just keep up the good work mate :)
  14. KingJeffo

    YouTube YouTube is Removing G+ integration on YouTube!

    Never were a fan of G+ so I'm glad it's getting out of the windows