Recent content by MADMac0498

  1. MADMac0498

    Music Would anyone want to do a muic channel with me

    Both, actually. metroidlover04 PM me bro, let's do this!
  2. MADMac0498

    Music Would anyone want to do a muic channel with me

    Hey man, I'm a rocker at heart, play guitar, and have been trying to start a rap career for years. I have an EP I released recently, there's a playlist on my channel of all the songs if you wanna have a listen. I've also made many Game Grump Remixes of many different genres. I'm totally down for...
  3. MADMac0498

    VR Care to battle in a channel war?

    I see, okay. So basically, I can only fight you as of now for it to be official. I guess that just means that nobody will ever lose. :P
  4. MADMac0498

    VR Care to battle in a channel war?

    This is gonna be fun, I cal already tell. XD One question: are we gonna be battling just you, or each other?
  5. MADMac0498

    Anyone instrested in being my vocalist?

    Hey man, I've been improving my singing abilities a lot, and while I will NOT get you the exact tone of the original song, I think I could do something passable. PM me if you're interested; I'd love to see the lyrics.