Recent content by Meuq

  1. Meuq

    GFX Request Forum Logo Request

    As i said on skype this look way to photoshopped, I'm looking for something that ain't screaming photoshop at first sight. I quickly googled & found some examples:
  2. Meuq

    GFX Request Forum Logo Request

    I'm sorry i were abit busy! Replied on your last email tho! & as i said ill run it by my partner as fast as i can! ;) Looks awesome :) I'm sorry but it looks a bit like something form a cartoon, ill be using this on "proff" forum. Could you maybe try and make it less open (The chest) and make...
  3. Meuq

    GFX Request Forum Logo Request

    I updated my main post, as the logo i drew myself didn't suit my partner once we got it made. We will be asking you guys to design us something which would refer to our name "Pandora-Cheats" we were hoping you guys could do something like an chest with some creepy stuff lurking, maybe something...
  4. Meuq

    GFX Request Forum Logo Request

    Added you on skype yesterday, but it seems you haven't accepted me just yet ;) Added you on skype ;)
  5. Meuq

    GFX Request Forum Logo Request

    Added you on skype ;)
  6. Meuq

    GFX Request Forum Logo Request

    Sent you an email, still looking for other people wanting to try ;) (Can't have to many versions to pick from!)
  7. Meuq

    GFX Request Forum Logo Request

    Render/Stock : We will be asking you guys to design us something which would refer to our name "Pandora-Cheats" we were hoping you guys could do something like an chest with some creepy stuff lurking, maybe something watchin out from the box. be creative!.. Text : Pandora-Cheats Subtext : Just...