Recent content by Number1SUS

  1. Number1SUS

    Offering I can review your channel

    I would love a review.
  2. Number1SUS

    YouTube Who are your favorite Youtubers and why?

    I really like DramaAlert. I dont think you have heard of them, but they are this youtube channel that reports on the news,
  3. Number1SUS

    VR I'm starting a weekly channel shoutout series!!

    I would definantly love a shout out. The channel name is Number1SUS
  4. Number1SUS

    Favorite openings/endings

    Im surprised nobody said arthur.
  5. Number1SUS

    which one do you think is better for live streaming?

    Why do people love twitch so much its a terrible streaming website.
  6. Number1SUS

    Trump Disqualified from Presidential Race (Yes, I know he wasn't actually disqualified)

    tbh Donald Trump may not be a good president, but he is better than Hillary
  7. Number1SUS

    YouTube Name A Large Youtube Channel You Watch

    I like Drama Alert they are literally the best youtube channel
  8. Number1SUS

    Comedy Heyy its Number1SUS!

    I accept your welcome. :)
  9. Number1SUS

    Comedy Heyy its Number1SUS!

    Hello Freedom! nation, I am Number1SUS. I created my channel over a year ago when I was bored and had nothing to do and from there it grew to the channel people see it as today. The type of content I make very's but it's all ways supposed to be comedic. Usually I upload every day but sometimes I...
  10. Number1SUS

    Fun and Games Name your Top 5 Want to visit countries!

    1) Russia 2) USA 3) Japan 4) Netherlands 5) Iran