Recent content by Squid Head Joe

  1. Squid Head Joe

    GFX I Need 3d Text Motion Tracking

    hello i was wondering if anyone could make a 3d Text Motion Tracking that i could use for any video? kinda like a preset of text that has my name, sponsor, stuff like that, kinda like this:
  2. Squid Head Joe

    Service Request Need video editor for fps clips

    Hello, i am squidheadjoe, i am looking for a video editor for a weekly/bi-weekly series on my channel that is a stream highlights/pvp hightlights. i will send you the clips you edit with a song i upload it. that smiple! i am looking for some one who knows what they are doing, not just some easy...
  3. Squid Head Joe

    Service Request Looking for thumbnail & video editor free/paid

    sounds great! hit me up skype...squidheadjoe, we can get to work :)
  4. Squid Head Joe

    Service Request Looking for thumbnail & video editor free/paid

    Hello, my name is squidheadjoe or Joe for short. im looking for a video editor for my youtube channel. as the editor you will be making 2-3 videos a week/editing live stream hightlights or just the stream. it will have funny moments, sick plays, etc. and if you can do montages thats a plus...
  5. Squid Head Joe

    Service Request Looking for a intro maker!

    looking for a under water themed intro for my channel that says: squidheadjoe my skype is squidheadjoe (2 of them will pop up just add both and ill get it!) Example: Thoughts Of A Guardian(PodCast) Live stream!
  6. Squid Head Joe

    Service FREE 3D INTROS

    can i get a under water theme like: Thoughts Of A Guardian(PodCast) Live stream! Youtube: skype: [email protected] (2 will show up just add both ill get it!)or email me its fine. im never on here!!!!
  7. Squid Head Joe

    Service All your Graphics here

    Skype: [email protected] (2 will show up just add both ill get it!)or email me its fine. im never on here!!!! hello i would like to have some work done. i need all new stuff for my youtube and twitch. and a new logo its all squid themed but i dont want just a normal looking squid, anything...
  8. Squid Head Joe

    Gaming Destiny podcast

    looking for those who play and stream destiny to do a podcast once per week. it will be lived streamed and put on youtube! please have a blue mic and something as good and knowleage about the game. contact me by email: [email protected].