
Your name/alias?
Justin / TheKingCranee

Where are you from?

How old are you?

How did you find Freedom!?
In the search of youtube forums on google

What made you join our forums?
The fact that I can get to know more youtubers, possibly collab, generate more gaming ideas or ideas in general and become an actual member within the upcoming youtubers.

What are your hobbies?
Basketball, Computer Programming, Generally playing games w/ friends or solo

What is your favorite food?
Pizza, Spaghetti, Chicken, Burgers, all kinds of food not really one in specific.

Why did you start YouTube?
I have contemplated it for the longest time, I was wanting to join YouTube for over 3 years now and never had the guts to do so. I figured I wouldn't sound good, wouldn't be funny, and anything I produced would just be an embarrassment. I finally manned up and started creating content. It really isn't as bad as I thought because in the end... It doesn't even matter. (No I wasn't referring to Linkin Park, lol)

What is your biggest dream?
To simply be happy in life, pursue what I have worked for my whole life which is being successful. Successful isnt all about having all the money. Successful to me is being able to be happy and financially okay.

What kind of channel do you run?

A gaming channel which can be really funny or a simple lets play. My freakouts or small burst of "oh crap!" can really be a funny thing though.

How frequently do you upload?

I have been uploading everyday and I anticipate to keep doing so unless there is a major problem within my life that gets in the way of that.
Jan 6, 1994 (Age: 30)