Recent content by TheRedKingGames

  1. TheRedKingGames

    XBox small channel collabs

    Anyone up for collabing with a scottish guy?
  2. TheRedKingGames

    XBox Anyone willing to collab with a small scottish youtuber?

    I'm a very small channel, i dont have much subs but i would love to do a collab, I'm a gaming channel that mostly concentrates but i would play other games to (mostly shooters or nearly anything mulitplayer). Shoot me a message if interested.
  3. TheRedKingGames

    Gaming Rainbow six siege XBOX

    Hoping to collab with some one who plays siege and is around the same age as me im 17 so no younger than 16 and no older than 21, also im scottish just saying :)
  4. TheRedKingGames

    What Country Are YOU From ??

  5. TheRedKingGames

    XBox Scottish gamer

    Age: 17 Channel Main Topic: Gaming (Rainbow Six Siege) Amount of Subscribers: 4 Other ways to contact you: twitter, forum conversation, direct message About your channel:I'm a young Scottish guy who plays Rainbow Six Siege with his friends on Xbox, I upload both casual and ranked gameplay so i...
  6. TheRedKingGames

    Hey guys how manys sub do you want to have by the end of the year

    im hoping for 100 in the next few months and 500 by the end of the year! Wish me luck!
  7. TheRedKingGames

    Gaming Scottish gamer

    Awesome man, what games you play?
  8. TheRedKingGames

    Rainbow Six Siege opinions thoughts?

    I play Siege almost everyday and I love the game but the way that Ubisoft are doing operation health is rather annoying me, in the latest update we all though we were getting the new one step matchmaking that streamlines everything and we only find out on the day that update isn't going to have...
  9. TheRedKingGames

    which consoles are people playing and what games?

    Currently playing a lot of Rainbow Six Siege on Xbox
  10. TheRedKingGames

    Games You're Recording?

    I'm recording Rainbow Six Siege on Xbox One
  11. TheRedKingGames

    Fun and Games If you could only access one website for the rest of your life what would it be?

    It would have to be youtube, there's an infinite about of content on there you could entertain yourself for ever considering how many people upload.
  12. TheRedKingGames


    Makes me hopeful that COD Is going back to being truly great again and I can't wait to find out more about both the single player and multiplayer.
  13. TheRedKingGames

    What do you think about Density 2 ?

    Looks a bit samey tbh I'm not getting hyped just in case it turns out to be practically the same game just a little bigger.
  14. TheRedKingGames

    what are you most looking forward to hearing at e3 2017?

    I'm looking forward to seeing some unseen games get announced and I'm looking forward to see battlefront 2 and how they have improved upon the first game. Hopefully it'll be a MUCH better game than the first one because that flopped hard, the nostalgia feeling wore off after a couple days which...