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  1. The Real HoneyBadger

    Entertainment Do you like stories

    if you like story time videos or just commentaries check out this YouTube channel
  2. The Real HoneyBadger

    Gaming Hey guys, check out my channel! Hey guys and girls im a gaming channel on youtube i play destiny and i hope to upload some black ops 3 soon! im 14 years old and i will do a collab or sub box or even play a game with you if you want i dont care, check out my channel and...
  3. The Real HoneyBadger

    Gaming Any one looking for a collab?

    Hey guys im 14 years old, i play black ops 3 and destiny mostly im looking to do a collab with someone on xbox one or share sub boxes, i dont care. message if your interested or if you want to check out my channel and give feedback there is a link below!
  4. The Real HoneyBadger

    Gaming Hey guys im The Real HoneyBadger!

    im The Real HoneyBadger check me out on youtube. A sub and like would really help my channel, im around 50 subs, please share my channel and comment yours!
  5. The Real HoneyBadger

    Gaming Hey guys share your channels here!

    Hey guys i thought id make this so youtubers on xbox one or 360 could collaborate and share their channels! [content removed, requesting subs/likes are not allowed in the forums: see forum rules] -Moderator i post destiny at the moment but...