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  1. Raring Frame Gaming

    How to keep my desk clean ?

    (facepalm)... I get so stressed, my desk is the centre of my life! I can never seem to keep it clean, When I clean it I put everything in order, tv, Xbox's and computer. The next day it's all messed up with wired everywhere, coffee/tea stains and crumbs/dust. How can I keep my desk clean!! It...
  2. Raring Frame Gaming

    Subscriber Milestone 10 Subs and over!

    Not alot, but I've hit 14 subs! I'm please because it means I'm starting to take off!!! I've ordered new equipment which should be here this week so my videos will be 100% better and I've made myself a new intro :)
  3. Raring Frame Gaming

    Fun and Games If you could pick a game to play forever..

    What would it be and why ? Mine I think would be... Hmm, Maybe Black ops 2. I really enjoyed Black ops 2. The feel of the game, the graphics, guns, maps and the zombies just made sense to me. What is your guys ?
  4. Raring Frame Gaming

    Gaming Hello, My name is...

    Hello community! My name is RaringFrame (obviously that's not my real name, imagine that hello Mr Frame) My real name is jack. I upload youtube videos, Gaming ones! Sometimes my videos may contain a bit of lets say... Colourful language, I'm working on it! I'm new and when recording I get a bit...
  5. Raring Frame Gaming

    Solved Invitation not come through ?

    Mine invitation has not come through, what do I do ?