Search results

  1. We Do Things

    Service Traxon MiniGames

    Hi, I want to give you an invitation to join the staff team of our Minecraft server! We are currently looking for skilled staff to join us, The requirements are: You must either have Skype or Discord You must be ACTIVE to help out with the Server. You must respect the Owners and other Staff You...
  2. We Do Things

    GFX GTG GFX team (new team application)

    starting a GFX group we will help improve your GFX skills plus we will make GFX for others if you would like to apply fill out our questions name: Skype: Age(age dousnt matter we will teach anyone): How good do you think you are( scale of 1-20 it dousnt matter your skill): What do you use...
  3. We Do Things

    Service GTG GFX team (new team application)

    starting a GFX group we will help improve your GFX skills plus we will make GFX for others if you would like to apply fill out our questions name: Skype: Age(age dousnt matter we will teach anyone): How good do you think you are( scale of 1-20 it dousnt matter your skill): What do you use...