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  1. Luxray Plays

    Review4Review Need people to review this video

    I made a video today and tell me if you think that its good or bad and please tell me why. If you review I will review back
  2. Luxray Plays

    Review4Review Help With My Mic

    I am willing to review if you review my channel. Anyways My mic in the videos seems to be a bit to loud and like not as good quality as I think it can be!
  3. Luxray Plays

    GFX Request Need and Intro or Channel art!

    Hello guys its Lux! And if somebody is as generous enough to help me meake some channel art or an intro that would be honestly the greatest thing EVER. You will be guranteed a shoutout on my channel (I wont be like leafy and not give credit)
  4. Luxray Plays

    Gaming Im New To Freedom!!

    Hey Guys! Its Luxray here and I just wanted to tell you guys that I just joined Freedom this week! My name is Luxray! I am From Dallas, Texas I am 14 almost 15! I found Freedom by looking for good ways to grow your channel (luckily I found you guys) I joined the forums by scrolling through the...