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  1. The Gaming Heretic

    Request Review Intro Video?

    Hey Guys, redid the intro Video.. Would love to know your thoughts?
  2. The Gaming Heretic

    The sucky hard truth when you get serious

    So I've started a new program to get my Youtube career into gear. And the sucky truth about such a thing? I've sucked in alot of ways and areas for the past year or so (years, really). When you get serious about wanting to do it and you want to learn.. You realize how much you have to learn and...
  3. The Gaming Heretic

    Offering Review from a Network Cofounder

    Hey All, So I have received a few personal messages with requests to do video reviews.. I'll be happy to help out and give reviews if you guys want them. I don't claim to be the punultimate but my qualifications are thusly: 8 Years as a youtuber (First a vlogger, then a game channel...
  4. The Gaming Heretic

    Thoughts and Prayers with Belgium

    For those who don't know.. Belgium was hit with Terrorism.. Thoughts and prayers as we continue moving forward with our day to day..
  5. The Gaming Heretic

    Digital Homicide Vs. Jim Sterling

    So Digital Homicide has decided to sue Jim Sterling for his various reviews. Honestly, anyone can be sued over anything. As game reviewers, if you give a bad review you can get dmca'd, flagged, or sued. While I don't think they will win, it will be interested to see how this impacts the...
  6. The Gaming Heretic

    Tips & Tricks Ultimate Guide to be a Youtuber

    This is just a few things that I consistently note is missing for new Youtubers who are asking for criticism. This is what I have seen has been effective! You Homepage/User Page The second thing people see after finding a video of yours they like, the presentation of your homepage can make or...
  7. The Gaming Heretic

    Entertainment Best. Trailer. Evah!! For Reals..

    Hey Guys, So this took me forever to do (I did modify a template).. I like it, though I am not completely pleased with the way wording came out. This is for our Hub Trailer.. What are your guys thoughts?