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  1. NateSmash

    Dont Escape

    Just played dont escape by script welder! Im not sure how I felt about it. I recorded it. but not sure if the game was good.
  2. NateSmash

    Subscriber Milestone Getting the last 5 until 100

    I am so thankful for my viewers for subscribing to me. I appreciate them so much for watching my content. I hope we can get to 100 really soon! We are so close! :D
  3. NateSmash

    Any PC indie game suggestions?

    Please suggest any PC games I could play and how they were interesting to you :D
  4. NateSmash

    What game should I play for my channel?

    Post suggestions below please :)
  5. NateSmash

    Subscriber Milestone SO CLOSE TO 100 SUBSCRIBERS

    I am so close to achieving 100 subscribers! What should I do for a special?
  6. NateSmash

    Gaming Collaborating in need!

    Please comment what your channel is and we can hopefully do a collaboration together ;-)
  7. NateSmash

    Gaming I am the Smash

    My name is Nate and I have a YouTube channel. That's pretty much it. Don't look at my content if your not interested, but I'm always interested in looking at others people content ;) I hope we meet soon whoever is reading this. I make gaming related content. Take a look...
  8. NateSmash

    2k16 - What should I use to record it?

    What should I use to record my 2k16 on my xbox360?
  9. NateSmash

    Comedy NATESMASH - Hallo... its me...

    Why hello there ;) I'm Nate and get ready for ME! Nothing much to talk about me, other than I am really excited about being partnered with freedom! So I guess take a look at my channel and see if you like it. See ya later.