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  1. D

    No views

    Make sure you're making videos that people would search for. It's hard to gain views until you have an audience.
  2. D

    What games are you playing right now?

    Black Ops 3 all day!
  3. D

    opinions on black ops 3?

    I think it really lived up to it's hype. It's a great entertaining and balanced game that rarely seems to annoy me
  4. D

    Did BO3 live up to its hype?

    So far I really like the game and it fixed everything I hated (Knifing and EXO jumping abuse). I think it makes a perfect balance out of all the guns too.
  5. D

    help - what do you use to record game play

    On Xbox one I can record for free using the twitch app (100% free). Im pretty sure that it also works on PS4. For PC id recommend using FRAPS