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  1. Anime Always


    who plays this game call growtopia?
  2. Anime Always

    Gaming League Of Legends (trolling)

    Please check it out :D
  3. Anime Always

    Gaming My first day rank league journey

    My new season rank game journey part one and I meet some nice people too :)
  4. Anime Always

    Gaming Don't Starve(SW) I just can't stop.....

    Sorry if the video quality is bad I made it to 1080p but when I view it myself it burry.... I will try to improve it on my next video somehow.
  5. Anime Always

    Subscriber Milestone Road to 50 subscriber

    I have finally reach 50 subs XD thanks to those how have sub to me
  6. Anime Always

    Anime games

    Anyone can recommend me a anime game that is fun on any platform. I have only tried one before which is the SAO lost song just want more :D
  7. Anime Always

    Subscriber Milestone Road to 50 subs

    I am 49 subs just one more and I going reach 50 :D thnaks to all who have sub my channel.
  8. Anime Always

    Fun and Games Food Game

    Hey everyone in freedom how play this game is that you have to use the last letter of a food and try to come up with a new food word :D I will start first with a easy word: Banana
  9. Anime Always

    Gaming No Penta o.0

    Hey everyone here check out my league of legends video :D I hope u guys can enjoy it if u do subcribe and comment
  10. Anime Always

    Gaming Support City Alistar (LoL)

    Hey everyone here hope to can check out my league of legends video that I have made thanks ;)
  11. Anime Always

    Monetize Games

    Sorry if I post on the wrong forum but I would like to know if there anyways to check which games allow youtube monetize when playing thier game or how do I check if they allowed it in their games.