Search results

  1. ThePaleMan

    Gaming Looking for collabs for Gta 5 videos !!

    hey man im interested. ill give you my skype and steam if you wanna talk a little more skype: thepaleman3492 steam: draciel3492
  2. ThePaleMan

    PC Need someone to play GTA Online

    id be up for it. my skype is thepaleman3492
  3. ThePaleMan

    Gaming Shout out if you want it.

    id love to have a shoutout if you still have room :D
  4. ThePaleMan

    PC looking for collaborations

    Hey warriorgamers you can add me my info is in my post
  5. ThePaleMan

    Gaming An introduction to myself

    actually im talking to someone as we speak about working on something and i guess you could consider it like a live commentary of sorts. you could see my videos to get a better idea of what im talking about lol
  6. ThePaleMan

    Gaming An introduction to myself

    yeah ive already checked the collab forum thanks for the link though! and by style i meant more so just the type of games i play
  7. ThePaleMan

    Gaming looking for some people to collab with on pc

    if anyone out there is willing to do a collab im totally interested! i play on pc and have black ops 3, gta v, left 4 dead 2, and garrys mod. i have a good bit more games but i feel those titles are really popular so a good bit of people have them. if you're interested you can add me on steam or...
  8. ThePaleMan

    Gaming Beginning a Shoutout Series!

    I'd be interested in being in a shoutout vid :) I've already subscribed to your channel
  9. ThePaleMan

    PC looking for collaborations

    im up for it you can add me on skype or steam, whichever works for you as i dont have a preference lol steam:draciel3492 skype: thepaleman3492
  10. ThePaleMan

    Gaming An introduction to myself

    from what i've seen so far it looks like a good community to be a part of! thanks for the wishes
  11. ThePaleMan

    Gaming Introducing myself, I'm J57F

    hey j57f if your doing gta v cinematic stuff i would be more than happy to be a part of it if you would have me :) also, welcome to freedom! and best of luck to you!
  12. ThePaleMan

    Gaming An introduction to myself

    yeah that's how i've always felt about it lol. i've wanted to do it for a long time and finally got time to be able to really put my heart in it and got a rig good enough to play/record whatever it is i might want to. so anyway in reply to your post and anyone else that will read this: lets...
  13. ThePaleMan

    Gaming An introduction to myself

    hey guys, I'm the pale man and i do gaming videos. I dont really have a set style or type of game that i like to do. if i think its fun and people will enjoy it I'll definitely do it! I'm also always up for doing a collaboration or meeting new people to play with.