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  1. AnIGN

    Gaming mcsg

    I live in West US, so it's basically the server I get the best ping to because most servers are east
  2. AnIGN

    Gaming mcsg

    Yo if anyone wants to record mcsg with me I'm down! I have 429 subs so I think it's fair to record with anyone who has a minimum of 300 subs (around that number)
  3. AnIGN

    Gaming Hey There :D

  4. AnIGN

    Community Introduction (Tuesday Night Gaming)

    Hey thanks for introducing yourself and welcome! If you can help me out as well my sub button is right there and my YouTube name is AnIGN! A quick tip if you don't have the sub button, go on to your profile option and paste your URL on the YouTube channel section and delete the part before the C
  5. AnIGN

    Gaming active.

    Hi! I'm very active on the forums! I would appreciate it if you clicked that subscribe button, or checked out my channel! In 2 days I have looked at 60 posts, and subbed to 20 new people, and replied to almost every post, to help them out and It would be awesome If you guys could return the...
  6. AnIGN

    Gaming Hey!

    Hey! If you guys could sub to me that would be awesome! I'm active on the forums and have seen 50 posts and subbed to 20 new people! It would mean a lot if you could return the favor!
  7. AnIGN

    Gaming Hey! Willing to sub back and be active ;)

    Yo what is up! My name Is Gabe, I'm here doing youtube. I record minecraft videos and i play other games on the pc aswell, I have great art, and a pretty good sense of humor. I love to make videos and I could hope you would accept me to the community and grow with me! As you saw from the title I...
  8. AnIGN

    Gaming All you need to know about my channel!

    hope you do great!
  9. AnIGN

    Gaming Hello everyone!

    Awesome man! Hope you do great.
  10. AnIGN

    Gaming Let me introduce my self

    Hey hope you grow and got a lot of feedback on your videos after this!
  11. AnIGN

    Community Hey, guys!

    Hey man I Hope you grow a lot! If you are in to minecraft I'm down to collab!