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  1. Surviv0r

    Anyone else enjoying Battalion 1944?

    I am having an absolute blast playing Battalion 1944, so I was wondering if anyone here is enjoying it as much as I am :D If you have not heard of the game, it is an FPS game that takes FPS back to it's roots and is heavily inspired by Call of Duty 4 ProMod and CoD2. It's definitely worth...
  2. Surviv0r

    Subscriber Milestone 1000 Subscribers, finally!

    I finally reached 1k subs and I could not be happier! Thank you, Freedom! Family!
  3. Surviv0r

    Solved Account enabled for monetisation, but no monetisation button on recent videos

    So I have a few videos monetised already. I uploaded more videos, but I cannot enable monetisation for them. I can't even disable monetisation for the older videos. The whole monetisation tab is missing when I go edit the video in Video Manager. I also cannot manage settings related to Ads (what...