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  1. Swandezvous

    Music I'm Swandezvous, and I'm impressed!

    Pleased to meet you as well! My wife has been to Taiwan, and she has a very fond memory of your country. I'm very thankful for the gifts that I've been given, and I hope that I can do it all justice with what I'm able to create. Wow, great YouTube! I love your work, is very eclectic, and well...
  2. Swandezvous

    YouTube I see the new latest Youtube Trend.

    Oh **** yeah, I'm in! I can do this all day long! HA!
  3. Swandezvous

    Music I'm Swandezvous, and I'm impressed!

    I'm all over it! I'm still trying to build up my subscribers. Haven't even broke 30 yet. But I'm battling on multiple fronts here, and look forward to the results from my first affiliate marketing profile. Excited to see what happens to the numbers once I start getting more content.
  4. Swandezvous

    Music I'm Swandezvous, and I'm impressed!

    :-D You better believe I'm taking that to the bank, my friend!
  5. Swandezvous

    Music I'm Swandezvous, and I'm impressed!

    Guh, virtually on the verge of tears reading your response... I wish I'd ended up on this forum yesterday, instead of the one I did..... people can just be frickin' vultures sometimes! Huge relief to actually run in to people with a POSITIVE attitude! Thanks, bro! Means a TON!
  6. Swandezvous

    Music I'm Swandezvous, and I'm impressed!

    Hey all! Boy, I'm really happy to have come across this forum. I'm already enjoying everything about it. It's a great layout, good incentive with the credit system, and just a great attitude I'm seeing across the board from users. I'm an indie musician from the Pacific Northwest, who's been...
  7. Swandezvous


    Man, I started a long time ago, and really didn't realize at all what I had... which tends to be my story. I've got all this resource at my finger tips, which I enjoy, and I even use to some degree, but I seem to always be the last person to understand the power that's really in it. Especially...
  8. Swandezvous

    YouTube How does one grow their YouTube channel?

    What he said^^
  9. Swandezvous

    YouTube I see the new latest Youtube Trend.

    Interesting. I'd like to do it, but I'm hoping to find out more how it works. You mind explaining?
  10. Swandezvous

    YouTube Promote Using Adsense?

    It's like sustainable energy. First, it takes a lot to start up. You've got to be patient to work out all the kinks. But once it works, it works, and it's all uphill, right from the get go, no matter what. As long as you're promoting content you believe in, and can always stand behind, you'll...
  11. Swandezvous

    YouTube Who are your favorite Youtubers and why?

    I've stumbled across a few in my pursuit of building up my own channel. One is Danielle Nungesser. She's just got the best attitude I've seen yet on the internet! Another is one of my closest friends, Joseph Stromme. He writes raw and real Unblack Metal, and Industrial music that promotes ideas...