Search results

  1. KingJeffo

    Request Review The King's Channel

    Hi guys Jeff here, I'm looking for feedback for my channel. Feedbacks on the trailer, channel itself and the video. Also I would thank you lads for spending the time on reviewing and checking out my channel! Cheers mate
  2. KingJeffo

    What do you think about Day 1 patch for games?

    Hey guys what's going on. So as we all know the gaming industry is basically going into a downward trend with their latest release of triple A games. We have great games coming out with major bugs and glitches, and day 1 patch had to be released just to fix it. It's really a bad business...
  3. KingJeffo

    Gaming Looking for collaboration!

    Hey yo what's going on! It's been a while since I was on the forum but since George and the freedom staff have listened to one of my longest suggestion(Which is update the forum layout). I decided to come back and engage with the community once more! Alright so I'm looking for collab on Rust...