Search results

  1. H20carina

    PC Recording Partners!

    Heya guys! CrafterH20 or H20carina (My forum name) here! So yeah as you can tell by the title I need a recording bud! Going from Smash bros, COD, Minecraft, to anything really, just need to tell me through email. I need some Diversity too! Girls are welcome to collab too! We need some...
  2. H20carina

    Gaming Bayonetta Zero to Death Combo (Smash 4)

    Here's a Zero to death combo of Bayonetta that I've been replicating and I've been randomly shown this by my brother! Don't exactly have the link to the original but here ya go!
  3. H20carina

    VR Recording Bud!

    Heya guys! CrafterH20 or H20carina (My forum name) here! So yeah as you can tell by the title I need a recording bud! Going from Smash bros, COD, Minecraft, to anything really, just need to tell me on skype @CrafterH20. Requirements* -Above 13 years old to about 18 years old in age range...