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  1. Bijuu Mike (BijuuMike)

    Subscriber Milestone 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS!

    Hey the Name is Bijuu Mike, Last time i did one of these milestone things i was at 10k subs and now i am about 123,256 so i just want to say for people that are struggling or that may have just started, keep uploading consistently, learn about yourself and don't be afraid to try new things...
  2. Bijuu Mike (BijuuMike)

    Tips & Tricks How I Went from 100 subs to 5000!

    If you are one of the MANY people that are struggling to gain views, subscribers, or the attention you deserve i know EXACTLY how you feel. in this video i share some tips that have helped me grow my channel from 100 subs to almost 5000 now in just a few months i really hope you get something...