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  1. Gaming With Jollins

    Do Joining Freedom Helped you grow your youtube channel?

    I actually left freedom a while back as they basically take millions and millions in revenue and what you get in return is nothing more than you can get for free online. Don't bother people. Partner with YouTube until your big enough to join a real network. Not one that preys on the...
  2. Gaming With Jollins

    Gaming Check out my channel trailer! Please.... :)

    Howdy there freedom. Would like some feedback on my channel trailer. Would like to know if its effective and simply not getting exposure or its crap lol Its over here:v:
  3. Gaming With Jollins

    Getting back in and happy to help

    There is a joke about a cat in a box here somewhere which could end up being tragic...Hmm after reading up on this it looks as if George is a bit of a shady character and may of done something illegal... I'm not so sure I should stay now :/
  4. Gaming With Jollins

    Getting back in and happy to help

    i hear you. More than once i have seen them "demo" a product that never gets finished... what happened to the new freedom control panel? why does it keep dividing its already stretched communities into pockets to small to make any difference? I'm going to keep my ear to the ground at any rate...
  5. Gaming With Jollins

    Getting back in and happy to help

    it just seems they generate all this hype and its such a let down when you actually get down to it. All their "resources" are available online through other sources for free. I was hoping for that community element... It seems as soon as someone starts to make a success for them selves they bolt...
  6. Gaming With Jollins

    Getting back in and happy to help

    It seems much like last time i tried using these forums. No one checks them regularly enough to make the forum effective.
  7. Gaming With Jollins

    Gaming I Quit Console Gaming! (Huge Announcement)

    Well i have only seen them as low as £300 which is bonkers if you ask me. The average person would have to work 45 hours to buy one! that just shy of two full days, no break! At least with a PC its not just a gaming platform
  8. Gaming With Jollins

    PC Come And check me out

    I think you posted in the wrong place. This is the colab sub forum
  9. Gaming With Jollins

    Gaming I Quit Console Gaming! (Huge Announcement)

    The reality is there is far less to do with a PC in terms of "updating" and "cost" than a console. With a PC you may need the occasional GFX driver update but were talking bi-annually here yet it seems every time i turn on my ps3 or xbox360 there is another damn update which takes an hour to...
  10. Gaming With Jollins

    Major Legal Gaming and Drugs

    Any performance enhancing drugs taken as part of any competition is wrong and should be banned if not already. It's not fair on those who do not wish to potentially harm their bodies to get an edge on the competition... Hell i think red bull should be banned haha
  11. Gaming With Jollins

    Star Wars Battlefront

    You mean you were disappointed with one of EA's games? You must be the first person ever! The game merely exists to generate buzz around the new movie.. Its a marketing ploy. A pretty one but still. And very much over priced!
  12. Gaming With Jollins

    Do Joining Freedom Helped you grow your youtube channel?

    not really. They provide a forum but they don't actively help you grow unless you put the work in. Not unless you get big at least.
  13. Gaming With Jollins

    i have a question

    Buzz words wont unfortunalty do this monumental task any justice. If you want to make your channel successful then its important to understand that it wont happen over night. Think about ways to get extra coverage. Post links to your videos on appropriate sites and forums, start a blog and...
  14. Gaming With Jollins

    Getting back in and happy to help

    So i had a break from uploading (not that i had any choice in the matter as my internet when i moved went to a grind) and am getting back into the swing of things. I'm looking to take a more active role in the freedom community and help people out / colab / list competitions etc... If anyone...