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  1. Vlogstaa

    My Youtube Channel

    Well said M&Mnz, there is so many of youtubers you really need to be unique to success :) Good luck.
  2. Vlogstaa

    To start a 2nd channel or not?

    If you enjoy making speedarts more and you not planning to do A LOT templets I would keep one quality channel and grow it big. However if you will still do nice amount of templets you should do another channel for it but then don't forget about it and keep uploading regularly. That's how I see...
  3. Vlogstaa

    What's the best way to promote your channel?

    It seems like the big youtubers who succeeded on youtube have the same way of thinking as Goped Fred, everyone always says if you are doing this because of money (=views) you already failed. So just keep creating content that you like and you enjoy doing it and audience will come along so as...
  4. Vlogstaa

    Who is a full-time Youtuber?

    For now part-time youtuber, well it was probably perfect time to start YouTube right now (actually channel is 1 year old but that's not the point) because we are still in collage, I admit some times exams are hard and gotta put more effort in them but it's awesome cuz if in the future our...
  5. Vlogstaa

    YouTube Who are your favorite Youtubers and why?

    Well I got more then 1. They are: -Fousey -Roman Atwood -Vitaly -Bfvsgf -Dennis (howtoprank) -Crazyrussianhacker -Casey Neistat and I probably forgot some that I like but I watch a lot youtubers thru the day and most of them really inspired us to start vlogging and in general make fun videos on...
  6. Vlogstaa

    Fun and Games Type your username with your Eyes closed!

    Vlogstaa well my name is pretty simple tbh.. :D
  7. Vlogstaa

    Fun and Games Close You Eyes and Write a Sentence Game

    I dotn know what yo werite but I think im good a t this :D
  8. Vlogstaa

    [Forum Game] Screenshot Your Desktop!

    I'm huge car enthusiast :))
  9. Vlogstaa

    Fun and Games Name your Top 5 Want to visit countries!

    1) Australia 2) New Zealand 3) Japan 4) Vietnam 5) Iceland
  10. Vlogstaa

    Fun and Games Let's Count to 100,000!

    Oh okay, so 4747 :D