
  1. DraycosDragon

    Podcast improv-style debation live Twitch podcast needing collab partners

    I'm currently planning to do a Twitch live stream podcast where people debate on various random topics chosen by the live stream chat (or by a digital wheel if there's no one in the stream chat at the time). Topics can be pretty much anything (nothing political though since the internet tends to...
  2. TheCodyNetwork

    Comedy Yanny vs. Laurel Parody!

    WAZZUP!! If you've heard about the Yanny vs. Laurel Debate, then I've got some news for you: There's a new version on YouTube right now, and it's a debate on the name CODY! (coincidence?) Anyways, go check it out! ENJOY! :) If you enjoyed the video, please like, comment, subscribe, and...
  3. Fede Fernández

    Denme su opinión sobre este tema.

    Hola a todos! No estoy seguro si esto va aquí, pero cualquier cosa me avisan :D. Tengo la intención de hacer un vídeo sobre el concepto de belleza en general. Creen que hoy en día, por los medios, se crea una idea de belleza que se impone a las personas? Ya sea por la radio, televisión...
  4. The Black Murder

    Capturadora de pantalla

    Heeeeyyy gente!!! yo de nuevo jejeje, es para preguntarles cual es la capturadora de pantalla que usas, y cual me recomiendas para una pc de bajos requisitos. en estos momentos estoy usando action! hasta que no consiga uno mejor no me cambio jejejeje, y bueno, dejen me sus respuestas, se les...
  5. manjes

    Resuelto Opinion del Foro

    Hola que tal amigos y compañeros buenos pues quisiera saber sus puntos de vista u opiniones acerca del foro sobre el tiempo que llevan aqui ha sido util para ti, ha resuelto tus dudas hasta el momento y que piensas que deberian mejorar :D...
  6. RizenGaming

    What Do You Think? PC Gaming or Console Gaming?

    Which side are you on? What kind of games do you like to play when playing on that platform? Why do you think your preferred platform is better? The debate has gone on forever. What do you think? I personally prefer PC gaming and many RTS games. These games include the Total War games and...
  7. Dillon

    Entertainment Issues in Pop-Culture

    Among my videos, I've started a new series called "Synopsis", where I discuss issues in social media, in 30 seconds or less :) Today's video, for example: Are the Oscars Racist?
  8. FainterStreak

    Which is better? Geometry Dash or The Impossible Game?

    Both are great. For me, I lean more to Geometry Dash. If you want to see a video about this topic you can go to a video on my channel: What's your opinion? Let me know in the comments!