discord collabs

  1. DraycosDragon

    Gaming Twitch live streamer looking for partners

    Hey there! I'm a Twitch streamer currently doing tabletop style games on Roll20 every 2nd Sunday and general gaming on every other Sunday. If anyone wants to join me for any of the following games, please DM me if you are available to join me for any of the games (PC games only)... GAMES I PLAY...
  2. Mezque

    VR Hey guys, I wonder if anyone here wants to join my Colab chat on discord so we could collab sometime

    Hello guys, I just made a collab chat on my discord chat so me and you, or any others in my discord chat could collaborate with you. This discord chat is not just for collabs, its a gaming/talk community. I know this has probably been made a lot but you can join if you want Discord - Free...
  3. I


    Hi....I am using Discord And I need help that how to invite anyone on discord just like other gaming channel
  4. D

    Gaming !!!!INCREASE YOUR VIEWS/SUBS NOW! Click here!!!!!

    Collab with more youtubers and share subs between each other and gain more views and grow together as a community! The more collaboration, the more views come in and subs. More people in the discord collaborating to more views we'll get on our channel! Join Today! Discord https://discord.gg/T4EJcWc
  5. D

    Gaming Collab with Xbox and PC gamers!

    Hey do you wanna game with your fellow Xbox & PC gamers! Join my discord and start collaborating! Get to know new people and expand your Youtube or twitch channel exponentially! Join Today! Discord https://discord.gg/T4EJcWc
  6. DraycosDragon

    PC General Gaming Group Looking To Expand

    Hello there! I currently have a Discord group that currently just has 4 people in it that are active. I'm looking to expand the group. It's all about general PC games. And everyone either streams, records, or both. We're accepting anyone who has the games listed below and who is willing to join...
  7. BlawkMinerzz

    Community Need people to record with?

    Hey guys! We have been working on a new community as of recently and decided it would be a good time to announce it. The entire purpose of the server is to welcome those who need others to record with, and simply get their channel out there. Feel free to join and hang out! We need help...
  8. BlawkMinerzz

    Need someone to record with?

    Hey guys! We have been working on a new community as of recently and decided it would be a good time to announce it. The entire purpose of the server is to welcome those who need others to record with, and simply get their channel out there. Feel free to join and hang out! We need help...
  9. BlawkMinerzz

    Community Need people to record with?

    Hey guys! We have been working on a new community as of recently and decided it would be a good time to announce it. The entire purpose of the server is to welcome those who need others to record with, and simply get their channel out there. Feel free to join and hang out! We need help...
  10. DraycosDragon

    PC Group Collab

    Hello there! Im currently part of an entire group of 25+ YouTubers, streamers, helpers, and more. We're accepting any and all people who would like to join. There's many games that everyone in the group plays so there's no limit to what people have to have for games. However, anyone who wants to...
  11. David Lee


    This server is for people who want to collaborate, but have no one to play with! All you have to do is hit this link - https://discord.gg/b3DFmv5 then read the rules. It's simple! All you do is join one of the voice chats that have the game you want to play with and there you go! You can play...
  12. DraycosDragon

    VR Multiple Collab Series Planned

    I'm planning to start a few series for YouTube. Some are total collab videos/series while some are more of an "interact with viewers" type of ideas (read below to see what I mean) SERIES #1 One of my ideas is to have a whole series where I speak my opinions on things (suicide, energy drinks...
  13. SSJKnight456

    PC Looking for collabs? come to the YT + Twitch chat!

    Hello my name is The SSJknight are u looking for collabs? look no more Here https://discord.gg/v7T2dvG this is what's called a discord a discord is kinda like skype but its for GAMERS so if ur looking for collabs here it is