minecraft gfx collab

  1. PlatinumSparks

    Service CHEAP GFX!

    Hi everyone I have a Minecraft GFX shop that has been going on for the last four months! Here are some images: My name is PlatinumSparks and I sell cheap Minecraft Graphics (Avatars, banners, and thumbnails). My portfolio is here:https://platinumsparks.carbonmade.com/. My shop is here...
  2. DaniDHD

    GFX Looking for a GFX clan collab

    Hello, i'm Daniel, a 90 subscriber Youtuber, (I think) and I'm looking for a experienced minecraft GFX person to make a minecraft GFX clan with me. I'd like the people that are interested to leave their skype on comments or just message me it if you don't want your skype to be in public.