
  1. I


    Hey everyone!!! My name is Leonid and i started a channel called iSonyx.. On my channel I'm making awesome videos about Fortnite and a lot of Fortnite Streamers Compilation.. With 10 minutes video you can laugh all day.. My third video got comment from very popular Fortnite youtuber called...
  2. ThingsX

    Educational Mythical creatures that might have actually existed

    Myths are stories told by ancient people who wanted to explain a phenomenon or scare someone into good behavior, and because we're so much more rational than our ancestors were, we modern humans know better than to believe in them. Most of Them anyway.
  3. BlueBard

    Entertainment The Headless Horseman is awesome

    So this an older vid of mine. I made it for Halloween because Halloween is awesome too. I do have a few cringey jokes in there (when don't I have cringey jokes? >_>) but it did start me on a new look and feel for the show. So despite the flaws I'm just a teensy bit proud of it. But...