
  1. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 8 - Court of Stars - Necrotic & Teeming

    Court of Stars had a good few goofs right from the start, but my oh my was it fun! Court of Stars is a max-level, Mythic-only dungeon located in Suramar. Even as Legion troops patrol the streets, casting a pall over the grand city of Suramar, the socialites of the Nightborne nobility continue...
  2. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 8 - The Arcway

    Who knew rank 8 Arcway would be this easy. Now if only we didn't skip those Manawyrms. As vast as the city of Suramar is, the vast network of tunnels beneath the city spans an even greater reach. Nightborne society has grown to depend on the power of the Nightwell, and the Arcway delivers that...