ps4 better then xbox

  1. Tha Real Young One

    Gaming My Top 5 Highly Anticipated Playstation 4 Games of 2018!!!!

    What up check out my top 5 Playstation 4 games to play for 2018.
  2. AmblerA


    THE ULTIMATE PRANK!!! The choices I make affect the whole outcome of the game! An unbelievable horror story with outstanding gameplay.
  3. Marchman_97

    PS4 or Xbox? And why?

    I'm a true PlayStation user, not a day in my life have I ever used an Xbox. To be honest I don't know why I haven't, but I guess it doesn't look exciting to me. Do you have an Xbox and what are good features that come with it? If your a PS4 user have you ever used a Xbox? If yes, what are your...
  4. vmancool

    Gaming Things I Hate | THE PS4 SLIM ? !!!!