
  1. Conra Productions

    Best Audio carry kit?

    Looking for a backpack set up where i can have my camera man have boom mic and camera controls all at once and even lighting! any recommendation for a 2 man crew?
  2. Refoc

    Anime and Cartoons Hmm Any good action packed anime?

    Im finishing one of the best animes ever made Sousei no onmyouji (Twin star exorcists) (When i say one of the best anime ever made that's just my opinion ;)) but yeah... I wanna know some anime that are action packed and are from 2012-2017 and maybe don't have just 12 eps (cause i get addicted...
  3. Matua Kiwi

    Looking For Some Astonishing House Mods For Skyrim PS4 ?

    Does anyone have any suggestions for Player House Mods on the ps4