starting a gaming channel

  1. ChatDisabled

    Gaming Belgian Gamer here!

    Alright guys I have this amazing channel you should check out. Wait.. wait.. intro first. right Hi I'm a 16 year old with too much time on his hands. "Hands" down also the reason I started this. Uhm I do gaming stuff I gues and I am a weeb too ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ I'll try to do 3 vids a week and what I...
  2. ZinQ Nasty

    Other Milestone 300k views and 8k likes Highest video

    I got feature on Gamingvid Facebook page. Which has brought me 20 plus subscribers so far meeting my 200 sub milestone and 10k views.!! I am editing the second video right now hopefully to upload today.