
  1. Al Valentyn

    Comedy Warcraft Mythic Plus 17 - Eye of Azshara - Sub Rogue PoV

    The hardest dungeon yet! Eye of Azshara 17 with Tyrannical, Necrotic and Teeming. Thank goodness it's done.
  2. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 14 - The Arcway - Tyrannical

    We managed to finish The Arcway level 14 a second time, but hit a major snag at one point costing us dearly. As vast as the city of Suramar is, the vast network of tunnels beneath the city spans an even greater reach. Nightborne society has grown to depend on the power of the Nightwell, and the...
  3. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 12 - Black Rook Hold + Tyrannical

    We made it through our least favorite dungeon Black Rook Hold, and at level 12 as well. Carved from the greatest mountain of Val'sharah by ancient elven masons, Black Rook Hold stood as a bulwark against the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients. The nigh-impregnable fortress is also...