VLOG Analog Vlog

Joey More

New User
Feb 6, 2016
Hi, my name is Joey More. I run a YouTube channel called Analog Vlog.
I'm from Panama city Florida and I'm 17. I found Freedom! when I was downloading heartbeat. I saw the
YouTube partnership thing and decided I wanted one. My hobbies are vlogging, basketball,
wrestling and rapping. I started YouTube so I could show people what it's like to be me, and also just for fun.
I run a vlogging channel and I post vlogs and just recently starting to do challenges and stuff like that.
I upload every couple a days but at least weekly.
My channel is: bit.ly/analogvlog


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 8, 2015
Hello, friend.
Welcome to the Freedom! forums.
If there is anything I can help you with, please ask!
Me and Prology are very active on the forums, so ask anyone of us if you need anything : 3
I'm also good with thumbnails, and I know a thing or two about growing an audience.

Follow the link below to add your subscriber button, which may attract a larger audience for you.

All the best. : 3