Tips & Tricks Content ID Match and Copyright Strikes [GUIDE]


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hello Freedom. This thread will be directed towards people who have received Copyright Strikes or Content ID Matches.

As the Content ID and Strike Systems can be confusing at times and I’ve just recently gotten rid of two Content ID matches I’ve wanted to sit down and summarize what everyone receiving a strike can do.

1 ) Differenciate between Strikes and Content ID matches
There’s two differences between Strikes and CID (Content ID) Matches:
may hurt your Account Status
are always issued by a company representative or an individual by hand​
Content ID matches
do not hurt your Account Status
are fully automated claims
Are the thing most YouTubers ever see.​

When a Strike or a CID claim gets created you will ALWAYS receive an Email by [email protected] stating what happened. Clicking a link inside this Email will lead you to a page with claim details.

2) Check whether the strike or claim is correct

By “correct” I mean whether there’s a reason behind what was claimed. If there is a reason I don’t recommend touching the appeals

3) Appeal it

This is probably what you came to this thread for. I will split this part in two separate sections (Strikes and claims).
  • Strikes
    To appeal a Strike on YouTube you will have to file a counter notice. In that form you will have to enter your Information and why you believe the Strike is invalid. Do not get frightened by the strong language used in the form, it’s legal text so YouTube doesn’t get sued. As a reason enter why you think the strike should be removed. Be sure to enter something fancy that people will take you serious with. Sentences like “I want my money” or “This strike is bogus” should not really belong in there. Try writing it formally. There’s some sites with good presets (linked below)

  • Content ID matches
    Appealing a Content ID match is way easier on the other hand. Therefore I DO NOT RECOMMEND using YouTube’s appeal features just because they take ages to get replies and mostly limit you quite a bit. What I recommend instead and what will get your match removed in no time is:
  • Check what company issued the claim (Visible in the email you received from YouTube)​
  • Look up the company on Google (It should be the first site to pop up mostly)​
  • Look for a contact Email or a Support Email / Support form (If you can’t find one, try looking for any Emails (Ctrl + F and search for “@”). Mostly a Support Email is the best you’ll get. If you can’t find a contact method for the claiming company, feel free to reply to this thread or PM me on the forums and I will try helping you out. Some contact forms or Emails will be placed down under this thread as well as time goes by.​
  • Write a message to them why you believe the claim is invalid or why you believe you have the proper rights to use the content.​

Any further questions? Reply to this thread.


YouTube Appealing and fair use:

APM Music

Audiam [email protected]


UMG Please use YouTube’s built-in features

SME (Only phone numbers, if you don’t want to use these, use YouTube’s built-in features.

Danmark Digital Distribution [email protected]
Last edited:


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Hello Freedom. This thread will be directed towards people who have received Copyright Strikes or Content ID Matches.

As the Content ID and Strike Systems can be confusing at times and I’ve just recently gotten rid of two Content ID matches I’ve wanted to sit down and summarize what everyone receiving a strike can do.

1 ) Differenciate between Strikes and Content ID matches
There’s two differences between Strikes and CID (Content ID) Matches:
may hurt your Account Status
are always issued by a company representative or an individual by hand​
Content ID matches
do not hurt your Account Status
are fully automated claims
Are the thing most YouTubers ever see.​

When a Strike or a CID claim gets created you will ALWAYS receive an Email by [email protected] stating what happened. Clicking a link inside this Email will lead you to a page with claim details.

2) Check whether the strike or claim is correct

By “correct” I mean whether there’s a reason behind what was claimed. If there is a reason I don’t recommend touching the appeals

3) Appeal it

This is probably what you came to this thread for. I will split this part in two separate sections (Strikes and claims).
  • Strikes
    To appeal a Strike on YouTube you will have to file a counter notice. In that form you will have to enter your Information and why you believe the Strike is invalid. Do not get frightened by the strong language used in the form, it’s legal text so YouTube doesn’t get sued. As a reason enter why you think the strike should be removed. Be sure to enter something fancy that people will take you serious with. Sentences like “I want my money” or “This strike is bogus” should not really belong in there. Try writing it formally. There’s some sites with good presets (linked below)

  • Content ID matches
    Appealing a Content ID match is way easier on the other hand. Therefore I DO NOT RECOMMEND using YouTube’s appeal features just because they take ages to get replies and mostly limit you quite a bit. What I recommend instead and what will get your match removed in no time is:
  • Check what company issued the claim (Visible in the email you received from YouTube)​
  • Look up the company on Google (It should be the first site to pop up mostly)​
  • Look for a contact Email or a Support Email / Support form (If you can’t find one, try looking for any Emails (Ctrl + F and search for “@”). Mostly a Support Email is the best you’ll get. If you can’t find a contact method for the claiming company, feel free to reply to this thread or PM me on the forums and I will try helping you out. Some contact forms or Emails will be placed down under this thread as well as time goes by.​
  • Write a message to them why you believe the claim is invalid or why you believe you have the proper rights to use the content.​

Any further questions? Reply to this thread.


YouTube Appealing and fair use:

APM Music

Audiam [email protected]


UMG Please use YouTube’s built-in features

SME (Only phone numbers, if you don’t want to use these, use YouTube’s built-in features.
Legendary guide mate, job well done :cool: