Gaming Hello Ladies and Gentlemen How You Doing?


New User
Nov 24, 2015
My Names Legion but u Knew that already im just another 16 who likes to keep it chill uploading to youtube is a passion i love sharing my thoughts with other and love playing some of my fav games like cod and fifa with friends and have a nice casual fun game,Dont be put off tho when it comes to fierce competive im always on my A game.I just like to make videos for fun when every i can and love receiving and Now im in Plex Clan i hope this will help me grow and make some new friends in the gaming community that i could colab with as the Leader Of Plex Sheepy Will tell you i should be taken lightly so i hope you guys can come check out my channel and give me some feedback.


Tech YouTuber!
Freedom! Member
Hi @PleX-Legion,

Welcome to the Freedom! Family! I'm glad that you decided to introduce yourself. I love your excitement about making videos, sounds like you're having lots of fun. Do you only play Black Ops 3 and Fifa? What other games do you play? I play Minecraft and NBA 2K16 on the PC. Also, what are your other hobbies? I assume you play soccer because you play Fifa :p