YouTube How to get channel growth


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
You upload once every 2-3 Months, that might be it. Also try talking over your videos?

Also try making your channel look more interesting by going to your channel, clicking "Customize channel", clicking the cog:

and enabling this:

Then you can freely add playlists and stuff to make your channel page look better.

It's The Kid

Active Member
Mar 15, 2018
Well first of all. You have to be creative with your channel and you have to give it you all, Just making videos like that(not saying they are bad) and not like edit and making it yours and own up to it won't help. Look at this video. I edit my videos and i give it a thumbnail. Its not he best, but it the best i can give. I put a lot of thought into it. Don't rush it and enjoy it

Hope this helps


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 25, 2018
Well first of all. You have to be creative with your channel and you have to give it you all, Just making videos like that(not saying they are bad) and not like edit and making it yours and own up to it won't help. Look at this video. I edit my videos and i give it a thumbnail. Its not he best, but it the best i can give. I put a lot of thought into it. Don't rush it and enjoy it

Hope this helps
exactly ive been doing that for at least two years note we have the same sub count


New User
Mar 24, 2018
I have more than 1000+ videos with proper channel layout video tag and description and i still have only 207 subscribers i was unable to get susbcriber so i dont think i will be able to answer to your but can anyone help me feel free to reply


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 25, 2018
I have more than 1000+ videos with proper channel layout video tag and description and i still have only 207 subscribers i was unable to get susbcriber so i dont think i will be able to answer to your but can anyone help me feel free to reply
i got about 38 but reallys its 90 just i only have 33 public vids


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jul 25, 2014
Most of my growth comes from my most popular videos man,
Honestly it all comes down to figuring out how to get searched and noticed, you need to title your videos something people will search for or nobody new will find it.
Make sure you fill out your tags with keywords people will actually be searching, and also don't always do videos that are super popular, you need to find something that is searchable but not over saturated.
For example my most popular "series" is a game called swords and sandals, now they aren't my most popular videos, my most popular videos are one off videos, but the series as a whole did really well compared to others.
Why? Because I used titles people would search for, I used thumbnails that matched the title well and stood out from other similar videos, and finally it comes down to a little luck.
The developer of the SaS games actually noticed my videos and tweeted them out every time I uploaded one, he even follows me on twitter now.
I got a lot of support from the swords and sandals games and when I stopped playing after the third installment of Swords and Sandals, I actually had comments saying hey when is the next SaS video?
And that is the most basic step, make content that people want more of, it does no good to get exposure if you cant get people to stick around!

Take it all with a grain of salt though, obviously I don't have a huge channel, I don't even always follow that advice I just gave you, I've made over 1000 videos and only 10 of them have over 1,000 views and only 3 have over 10,000 views

However out of the top 20 or 30 videos on my channel 80% of them were on purpose, the other 20% were the dumb luck ones that I looked at and went ok, why did these get views? figured out the answer and then used that knowledge in the future.

And my most popular video with over 30,000 views? I did that video as a test for myself, specifically to see if I could make a video that would get more views based on my knowledge of how youtube works, and it worked. It became my most popular video.

One final note, if you look at my most popular videos, they are all older videos most of them being 1-3 years old and very few of them, actually only one that i can think of got a ton of views over night after I uploaded it. Unless you upload a video that goes viral, the views take a lot of time to get there.

Best advice I can give you? Stop worrying about it and just make content that you enjoy making, and remember if you can't watch your own videos, don't expect others to.

I've been doing this for a long time, and I've learned a lot from it, but again take it all with a grain of salt, if I was that good at it, I'd be a full time youtuber XD


Respected User
Apr 20, 2018
I couldn't agree more with all that has been said here. You just have to keep going, making some improvements now and then. Time is also key: the more you post, the more content you'll have to be watched. Most important of all, enjoy the journey, cherish every view, every like and every comment :)


Freedom! Member
I'v posted 9 videos so far and I have only 4 subs but almost 140 views what went wrong?
Don't worry about the subscribers. You have a small channel, so you won't just get big overnight. If you enjoy making videos, just focus more on that. Subscribers will come. I uploaded more videos than that before I got that many subscribers. It can take a year to get even 100 subs. But for now, just focus more on making videos you like, and don't mind the number of subs. That's how I got to where I am.


New User
Apr 29, 2018
It's hard now doing the Youtuber.[DOUBLEPOST=1526159483][/DOUBLEPOST]it is hard to grow a channel, just keep doing it for fun. one day you will get it.
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