Solved I didn't know leaving freedom was such a taboo

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Well-Known User
Dec 1, 2014
So I decided to leave freedom a while back and was finally released a week or so ago. Upon being released, My channel's monetization was shut down by youtube with no prior emails or strikes from Youtube or Freedom! The whole time I was with freedom and in the process of being released my channel had no strikes and was able to monetize content. I emailed support hoping they could give and explanation or assist in some way but they basically said "You aren't a partner anymore so we can't help you at all." I don't understand why this happened and I don't know where to go for assistance

Fourth Wall Games

A Sarcastic Brit
Aug 17, 2014
London, UK
Moved to Support :)

YouTube are pretty harsh when partnered directly with them. Are you sure it was shut down? Does it say that it is disabled on your features page?


Are you referring to the fact that your Analytics reset to 0? This is normal as you are now in a different CMS (Adsense instead of Freedom).

Freedom! supports response was correct unfortunately, they can not help people who are no longer with Freedom! as they can not access / look at your account.
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Well-Known User
Dec 1, 2014
Moved to Support :)

YouTube are pretty harsh when partnered directly with them. Are you sure it was shut down? Does it say that it is disabled on your features page?


Are you referring to the fact that your Analytics reset to 0? This is normal as you are now in a different CMS (Adsense instead of Freedom).

Freedom! supports response was correct unfortunately, they can not help people who are no longer with Freedom! as they can not access / look at your account.
I am certain it was shut down. I have a red light beside the monetization and I cannot access my adsense account. I understand Freedom! cannot access my account. My only issue is that I received no emails about monetization issues from Youtube or Freedom! and the issue arouse immediately after I was released.
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Fourth Wall Games

A Sarcastic Brit
Aug 17, 2014
London, UK
Then it appears to be an issue with your Adsense account, do you have one linked to your YouTube channel? If not then try linking one. If you do, then it may have been disabled by Google, in which case there is nothing that can be done.
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